Monday, December 7, 2009

I’m not dead

I’m not dead, if anyone was wondering. I’ve just been crazy busy lately, but I’m sure that you all know how that is with the season and everything.

Anyway, I guess the news is no news. I’m trying to work on the chapter of Terra but when I barely have a chance to sleep, or even blog, I don’t have the time to write a 20,000 word chapter. For that I am sorry, but this won’t go on forever. Another couple weeks of 6 day work weeks and one day weekends, and I hit 3 day workweeks and 4 day weekends, thanks to the holidays. After that I should resume writing regularly. 

You can consider it a hiatus if you’d like, personally I wish I could write ‘til my heart’s content but it’s just not happening that way. But we can always hope. 

Thanks as always for reading, and I hope that I can make it up to you eventually. The next 3 chapters of Terra are gonna be real good…assuming I can pull it off right. Well I did the first 30 pretty decent so I guess we’ll have to see. 

PS to anonymous I'm not going to drop the story, it just takes time to get it done. I know I suck lately but having to work twice as many hours and deal with the whole hullaballoo, and only having one day off a week hurts.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Congrats Terra on 2 years

Hey everyone, a whole bunch of shit’s been hitting me and all of that. Don’t really have a lot of time to hit everything in detail but I’ll let you know what’s up.

Firstly for the second anniversary of the day I started Terra, I posted a companion reader for it, going into detail about some of the characters, and some of the major plot points. Few enjoyed it but I, as always, appreciate those who did.

Beyond that I’m back on the horse writing the next chapter of Terra. Now that I’ve sprung past the wall that was holding me back, I think that I’ve come up with exactly what I need to really get the chapter going. There are a lot of loose threads that I still have to go in and take care of, tying them up into a tapestry of a story… that or fail spectacularly. But hey, either way it should be spectacular.

Yeah, other than that, just dealing with life and what it throws at me.

Oh, one more thing, a head’s up really. Right after thanksgiving my job gets incredibly busy. Those who read last year at the same time know what I mean. It depends on how much I work, and what else I’m doing for recreation, but there’s a chance that my writing will decrease significantly, especially as I need the money. But c’est la vie. 

PS Sorry it took me forever to answer your question anonymous, but yes I will write a sequel to that, when the inspiration hits. Just so you know the best way to contact me is via IM and not blog comment. Thanks as always for reading.

I’ll get back to you guys soon. Take it easy.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Devil in the Details is Done

Well hey everyone, here’s the newest news on what’s going on.

Firstly I apologize for taking so long to get to you, Sunday was my birthday and I was busy with the family and everything. I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down and really work on things.

Now the biggest news as of the moment is that I’ve posted the last chapter of the Devil in the Details, Copulation. It’s really more of the obligatory sex scene, but it does serve to show their love and compassion and hell, a sex scene never hurt. 

The next thing I’m up to, while not working on the next chapter of Terra directly, is a sort of companion chapter for the story. I just wanted to do something special for the second anniversary of the story, and realized that this is going to be a long chapter, one I’m not going to be too likely to post anytime soon. So I’m going to go into a little bit of detail about the various characters in the story, some of the technology, looking back at some of the points in the story, and a background look at how a chapter gets written and the prewriting and thought that goes into it. Maybe it’ll be something interesting, or at least worth reading.

Anyway, I’m just taking the time off to recover, hopefully I’ll have something worth reading soon. Hope you enjoy the story and I’ll do my best to post soon.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Since we've no place to go...

Hey everyone. It’s snowing. Huh, well, that’s neat. I hope that the winter isn’t too long then. But it probably will be, the summer was especially mild.

Anyway, I’ve finished the rough draft of my story and I’m working on the kinks. A lot of it is in language, I’ve tried to strike a balance between old timey ‘Thee thou thine tis etc’ language, and more contemporary language. Though the most important thing is telling the story and making it both interesting, and good. I think that the beginning is well done, but later on in the story it needs more work. But I’m about 25% done editing already, which is a good pace.

Also, my tooth is killing me. I’m seeing a dentist about that, but I’m hoping that it doesn’t hurt me too much until that’s taken care of. Lord knows it can’t be as bad as the wisdom tooth I had yanked out.

Well, hopefully there’ll be more stuff, and things in the future. Have a good one folks, I’ll see you around when I do.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

I'm not dead

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Sunday, September 27, 2009

God does anyone read this…?

Hey folks, what’s going on? There’s not a whole lot going on with me lately, but I wanted to let everyone know what was going on with me.

Firstly, I went and did the whole ultrasound thing on Friday. I was going to write an update, but there wasn’t really anything to update. I did it, it happened, and I’m waiting for the results. I’m hoping to hear back sometime this week, but first they have to send it to my doctor, and then he’s got to look at it and inspect it. I’m guessing that they do all of this by some type of postal service, god I’d hate to imagine them doing it either via UPS or email.

When I know I should let you know. If you care, honestly, I don’t know how many people really give a fuck. I mean I don’t want to BAWWW here so I won’t. I’m not looking for sympathy from complete and total strangers. I’m not an attention whore, I don’t want people to worry about me or anything. If something happens I’ll let you know, otherwise I’ll just try to struggle on through the daily shit that we all deal with. If I could get over these allergies and breathe easier that’d help. Sorry if that sounds rude but I don’t really know how else to phrase it.

Anyway, beyond that the FP story challenge is chugging along, I guess. Haven’t had a lot of people go and write stories, but I’m hoping that they take their time and come up with something good. I’m working on my own thing, word count wise, its almost 7000 words, which I figure will be just over 1/3 of the story. Once I finish the sex scene I plan an action scene, followed by the climax, another action scene, and finally one last sex scene as some falling action. I know I’m being genericly vague but I don’t want to ruin any of it. I’m still probably a month from posting it anyway, I plan on posting the story on my birthday, one chapter a day or so. Or I might wait to finish it on Halloween, or maybe the day before Halloween. I haven’t decided yet.

Watched the new Fox shows tonight. Simpsons was slightly better than it has been lately. Cleveland Show wasn’t that good but I wasn’t really expecting that much from it. Family Guy is good, better than I expected over the last season. The Robot Chicken world had to be my favorite. The American Dad was better, they seem to have found a way to make Steve less annoying, or perhaps I have just gotten used to it.

So I beat Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2…in under 10 hours. Dang, what a short game. Seriously, it was good, but nothing special. Not worth the money for sure, maybe when it comes down to like 20 bucks, but it was ok. Still not sure what I’m going to move onto next, I’ve been testing the waters with Atelier Iris 2, it’s better than the first but I already played the third, which was much better. I dunno, I guess I’ll come up with something.

God I hate allergies worse than anything, having difficulty breathing is the worst, it sucks shit. But forget it. anyway, that’s it for now. God does anyone read this…?


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Whats new pussycat?

Well hey everyone, it’s Sunday night and time for an update.

Firstly I want to correct myself. Shortly after telling you all that it might be my kidney, I received the results of my blood/urine tests. Apparently it’s now my liver, or at least that’s what we’re thinking now. So I get to have an ultrasound on it. Not exactly what I wanted but maybe sometime I’ll find out what’s wrong with me. It’s on Friday, but chances are I won’t know for sure until the weekend after that.

Moving on…I decided to go forward with my idea for a Futanari Palace Halloween Story Challenge. I don’t want to call it a contest, because I don’t want to make it competitive. I’m actually surprised at the amount of interest that has been shown, far more than I had initially expected. I hope that as many people that are interested actually write and finish a story.

I’m working on an idea for a story, but I think I’ve got the base of it cemented. I don’t want to spoil it but I might wind up pushing the 20,000 word limit. Damn it, who made up that stupid rule?

Also I’ve been working on Terra, although I’m afraid it might be on hiatus while I write the Halloween story, then I’ll pick it back up. I’m only like maybe 15% done the next chapter anyway.

The reason for that is, of course, Mana Khemia 2, which I finally beat this week. It was a good game, a fun one, though very repetitive. But I’ve moved on from a repetitive 70 hour jRPG to a repetitive 20ish hour beat em up, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. It’s basically the same as the other games based on that engine, X-Men Legends1-2, Fantastic Four, and its predecessor. The storyline is more interesting, because it’s based on the whole Civil War storyline in the Marvel universe, although it sorta sucks because instead of actually splitting up the camp into two different groups, you can basically play with just about everyone except for a few, like Iron Man on the pro-registration side, and Captain America on the anti-registration side. Someone like Wolverine, who was very anti being on Stark’s side, or Spiderman, who actually revealed his identity being on Captain America’s side, is kinda silly. But whatever, it is a video game based off a comic book, so it’s all good. Thankfully the repetitive nature of the game won’t have me as sucked into it as I was with Mana Khemia 2.

I’ll let you all know what’s up with me when I know. Frankly not knowing sucks the most, but there’s nothing I can do. If any of you care, I’m still alive, and I’m not dying, at least I hope. I’m just not 100%. Dunno if I’ll ever be.

Anyway, have a good one folks.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Trying at least

Hey folks, what’s going on? Thought I’d try to get back to at least a normal weekly schedule for updating.

Right now the news is no news basically. Due to family obligations I haven’t done anything writing-wise this weekend. Nothing major and nothing to worry about, but it just ate up my time. Add that to the fact that I have a doctor’s visit on Tuesday and I haven’t been too inspired to write really. I don’t know what’s up, my side just feels…strange. Not pain but, well, I don’t know, if I did then I guess I probably wouldn’t have to go see the doctor. Whenever I have anything on the side of my body with my liver I always get a little concerned.

I’m working on Terra next, and did get a little bit of work done last week, a scene or so. I’ve tried writing things a little differently, always going to try to change things up, make it interesting, use different styles and so on. right now I’ve got like, a cast of almost thirty major and minor and tertiary characters to keep in mind, and keeping that fresh in the reader’s mind is difficult without constantly reintroducing everyone. I just try to pepper things in. A mistake I made, and I’m sure that others have as well, is that when you write you often times assume that once you’ve said something, it’s etched in stone. For an example (just a random one, not actually from anything that’s happened) Terra’s a redhead on page 50, so I won’t need to bring that up ever again.

Besides that there’s very little going on. I’m still playing that RPG Mana Khemia 2, playing through many of the same assignments for a second time is rather dull, but as my characters are mostly invincible thanks to the armor that I had left over from Ulrika’s quest, it’s hardly challenging or interesting. The character side stories are really what’s interesting, though I have to say that Roze’s story unfolds much slower than Ulrika’s did. I’m about halfway through the story and I’ve barely started to go on his story. Considering his conversations on Ulrika’s quest, it sounded like more had unfolded already. I guess I’m just getting antsy, I kind of know what’s happening, but not entirely yet.

Anyway folks, right now I don’t have a lot to talk about. I’ll let you know if my liver is dying or something. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised with my luck. Have a good one people.

PS people if you want to help me earn a buck, sign up for this thing. You don’t have to actually use it. It’s one of those fill out surveys for money programs. For signing up you can earn me a buck. Like I said you don’t have to do it, but if you do then you get some money, and I get some money too. And hey, literally will take you under five minutes and get me a buck, and they start you off with 2.50 of your own money that you can use on whatever you want. I don’t ask for paypal donations or commissions, so if you enjoyed my stories give it a shot. Couldn’t hurt. Thanks either way.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Sometimes the best things in life are (almost) free

Hey guys, what’s up? 

Nothing is going on for me really, but I felt like posting some something, so here goes.

You know it’s funny but sometimes the best things in life are (almost) free. See, as I’ve probably told you before, I’m not exactly living the kind of life where Cribs wants to film. I’m not bitching, we all have to fight for every penny, hell, that’s life ain't it?

So today I went and got some groceries. I’ve been doing my best to squeeze every buck and get the most from each and every purchase that I can. Well, today I decided, in my infinite boredom, to make cookies.

See I’m trying to get out of a hole, and with the unbearable heat of summer, my interest in writing is at about nil. So when I’ve got no money to do anything that costs money, and my one usual free leisure activity, writing, is more or less not something I’m not doing at the moment. 

So the only other thing I’m marginally good at, besides writing and lovemaking (wink wink) is cooking. Though to be fair I cheated a bit as I just got a Betty Crocker cookie mix. However with coupons, and getting things on sale, I paid next to nothing for it. The BC mix was on sale, 2 for $2, and I had a dollar coupon off 2, with a double dollar coupon. Then all I needed to add was butter, which is on sale for $1 a pound, and eggs, which were buy one dozen, get two dozen free. 

All in all I must have paid about $0.40 cents for two dozen cookies. Not the best thing for me as I’m trying to watch my weight. But it’s a tasty treat, and a reminder of the kind of stuff I’d eat in my childhood. And hey, it’s almost free too. Can’t beat that.

All I got really. Maybe I’ll keep up these stupid little nonsense posts. I got to the point where I just thought, what the hell, it’s my blog, I’ll just post whatever I want. Then again, maybe I won’t. Who knows. Later folks.


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Obligatory Title

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Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back from vacation

Hey everyone, what’s going on?

First thing I should do is probably apologize for not posting last weekend, when I got back from my vacation. I didn’t have a whole bunch of stuff to say really, but still, I wanted to do this. I didn’t want people to think I was just MIA or anything.

The news is actually news right now. I’ve finished the draft of Terra that I had been working on for a while, and sent it off to Theromen. This one is kind of an odd chapter, it’s sort of a bridge for many different things going on. It’s going to have more meaning as things unfold, showing a few different aspects of characters and where the plot and interpersonal relationships are going to go.

The other “big” news is that I’ve picked up Club Vanilla again. Honestly I didn’t know that I had gone almost half a year without writing anything in it. I have a bad tendency where I don’t really finish stories. I start them, get going fine, and then when I get towards the end, I don’t write an ending. I think to be honest I just don’t like watching characters end. I don’t like seeing their stories go away, seeing them be over with and having them gone. But writing a story, finishing one, it’s better than leaving the characters in literary limbo.


I look at the story of Club Vanilla as having roughly 3 more chapters to close Julie’s story out. after that, I don’t know for sure. I can’t say that I can come up with another story. CV is at it’s core a story about a woman struggling with her feelings of sexual inadequacy, and trying to find a love. She’s become sure of herself sexually, now she has to find that someone. And that’s what the last 3 chapters are about.


Beyond that I’ve been planning on getting the last of Chrysanthemum done, hopefully that’s just another 2 chapters there, and I’ll have my two most popular stories finished, and maybe I can move onto new and different things. I’ve still got a lot of stories beyond those two I’ve never finished, probably won’t ever, but it’s fun at least to finish these couple, and hopefully Terra.

Anyway that’s all I’ve got for now. Hopefully I’ll have some new stuff for you all soon.


Saturday, June 27, 2009

New story/vacation

Hello folks. I’m sorry I haven’t been too active lately.

First things first, there’s a new story I wrote. It’s called Casey at the Bat, and it’s another one of those novellas set in the ‘What You Need’ series, with Joan’s baby and Jamie and Phillip, Pwomises. This one is focused on the titular character Casey and her attempts to play baseball. Granted it too is non erotic, but still, you may find it interesting. It’s at FP, I haven’t gotten a chance to update my website with it yet.

Other than that the big thing is that I’m going on vacation for a week. So I won’t be around much, if anyone needs me you can email me but other than that, just hold off for a bit. I’ll be back.

Sorry it’s short but I have to finish packing. Hope everyone has a nice and peaceful 4th.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

How I Solved My Nightmares

Hey folks, I haven’t updated this place in a bit, not really.

First thing I want to do is clarify what I meant with the poll. I was asking if people were in any way interested or cared about the blog itself. I realize that I don’t have a lot to say here, it’s one of those things where it’s difficult to really come here and have much of anything to say. I kind of doubt that anyone really has that much interest in what I have to say, and most days I’d rather write 1000 words in a story, rather than writing it in a blog post, when I don’t have a lot to say.

Anyway, if you were wondering what’s been up with me. last Tuesday I started having a small toothache. As the day progressed, the tooth got worse and worse and worse until the point where I was nearly in tears. I saw a dentist and had emergency surgery to remove the root of one tooth which had come out on it’s own, and to extract a wisdom tooth. That was more pain, and more unpleasantness. 

For much of last week I hadn’t written a lot. I was on Tylenol 3 with codene, prescribed by my dentist, which was good for the pain, but bad for my liver. My liver has been in a bad situation, which of course isn’t good. 

I’m not personally in a good spot, to be honest. I’m bumming for money, I don’t have much good going on right now, and even my health is failing. I’m stuck in a shitty go nowhere job, working at UPS. Due to the situation, I can’t really go to school to learn anything, and with the economy there is no way I’m going to find a better job which pays more or even equal money, with the benefits that I get. Now would be the best time to go to school, but it’s just not going to happen. My teeth are terrible, but with only a part time job, I can’t really afford to get them fixed up. My liver more or less has to fix itself on it’s own. And my mp3 player, one of the few things that was going well, is messed up. Apparently, the joint circuit or something has to be resoldered, which I could try myself but I’m sure I’d just fuck up, so I’ll have to pay someone probably more money than it’s worth to do it for me. The only thing that’s been working decent is my diet, but I’ve messed that up in the last week. 

Anyway, that’s what’s been happening with me lately. 

I’ve written a new story. It’s a strange one and I don’t think it’s especially good, but I’ll let you be the judge. It’s at Futanari Palace, F3, and World of Futanari right now, and at my website soon. How I Solved My Nightmares is a different kind of story than I usually write, but it came to me and wouldn’t stop being written.

The other thing I’ve been working on is a novella, well probably closer to novel length non-erotic futanari story set in the ‘What You Need’ future Terraverse involving a high school futanari baseball team. 

That’s about all I’ve got. I want to thank the people who read. Thanks to anonymous and netviper for kind words. Here’s a helpful hint for the future. Keep on replying and I’ll keep on posting those stories. 


Monday, May 11, 2009

New poll

There's a new poll. You should answer it. Working on other stuff still. 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Chapter 28 published

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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Chapter 11 of Saffron published

Hey folks, I’m sorry I skipped the blogging and what not last week. I’m sure you’re all really broken up about that, right?

Anyway, last week I updated the newest chapter of Saffron, Chapter 11, Beats Most Friday Nights. I didn’t blog it, and you didn’t read it, so this week maybe we can both work on it.

That was probably the last chapter of Saffron for a while. Nobody liked it and because of which they didn’t read it. That was fine. I understand the natural way things go. I’m not upset about it. I never really loved the story. It wanted to be written, and I wrote it, at least the start of it. It probably won’t be ended, but I have way too much stuff that I prefer to finish.

Other than that I’ve just been working on Terra. I’m getting close to having a chapter done, but this one is probably going to be a longer one. I did most of the big scenes except for one, and lately I’ve just been tying them onto one another. 

I’ve recently gotten my mp3 player, a dell dj 30 gig, working. 

At least I have something good with it. I don’t have any of the accessories or anything, but after a lot of effort I got it to work and synch up.

That’s about it. I have considered just giving this blog up, mostly because I doubt that people read it, or that it serves any purpose. I don’t really plan on writing another writer’s corner anytime soon. It’s too much effort and too little reward. Don’t plan on copying my stories here either. This blog may wind up simply becoming ‘Wrote this, read it here. This is next’


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The news is no news

Hey folks, how’s it going? I don’t really have too much to say today. Because I had some other things going on this Saturday, I wasn’t able to write any Saffron this week. It’s okay though, there’s a bit going on right now and I’m not going to mess around until I’ve got it cemented in my head what to do next. There’s a good amount of sex coming up, but I’m not sure how I want to go about doing it. I’ll figure it out I suppose. I basically want to have a scene with Saffron and Lin Mai, and a threesome, but I’m not sure if I want to have it be one scene or not. Leaning towards two scenes, with Lin Mai helping show Saffron some new tricks.

Other than that, I’ve basically finished another chapter of Chrysanthemum now. It’s done really, but I’m going to hold off on it for a little bit and just give that a try. I’ll post it eventually, of course. Thinking about jumping into another chapter of Terra next. Just a week from tomorrow and its baseball, with hockey and basketball playoffs around the corner. Might wind up writing that story about Jamie and Rose’s sister.

Thank goodness that a couple of people continue to post at FP, WoF and F3 are both dead lately for posts. Sometimes it’s kind of like, why bother posting if you won’t get ANY response, you know? It’s like, I get what I get just for writing, the only reason to post is to get some kind of feedback. Who am I kidding, it’s to get some kind of acknowledgement for what I’ve done. Ah I’m just a broken record now, I’ll just shut up.

I’ve gotten into Okami lately, that’s a pretty fun game. I’ve spent about 20 hours in the last week or so playing it. I’ve got a stack of games starting to pile up now, but a lot of them are sports games. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t like playing a lot of sports games by myself. Then again I’m a big shit talker, and why would I talk shit to the computer?

Anyway, I’m rambling so I’ll just say peace. Another week, another update done.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Chapter 27, Red Blood on Crimson Sand, posted

Hello folks, another short update tonight. I posted the new chapter of Terra, Chapter 27, Red Blood on Crimson Sand. It’s got more back and forth action but I think it does a good job of setting things up, and keeping the reader interested. I know another chapter without sex, but if you’ve been keeping up with it you will probably understand why it’s not really open right now.

Working on the new Chrysanthemum, about twelve hundred words done so far. I’m still not sure whether or not it’s going to be a long chapter or two shorter ones. Leaning towards shorter ones, but there will be a bit of a cliffhanger. I know that I’ve done a lot of cliffhangers lately, but I don’t know if I should really do another one in this or not. On the other hand, it seems like if I don’t do it then I’m going to wind up with a super long chapter that will be too clunky for this story. 

That’s it for tonight.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Chrysanthemum chapter 3

Hey folks, words, some of them might matter, most of them probably won’t.

I skipped Saffron this week. Here’s a good chance for any of you to catch up I guess. I don’t know.

I wrote a new chapter of Chrysanthemum, Miserable Hope, you can read it here. It’s pretty good, I think. But I’m always in the minority about that.

Working on a new Terra, at least that is the plan. We shall see what gets written and when.

Daylight saving’s time huh? Throws you off. I guess the Watchmen has come out, I’ll tell you if it’s any good. Looks like Futanari Palace is going to come back soon.

It’s short but it’s all I got this week. Just don’t leave a comment anymore guys, never mind about any of it.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

The sucking continues.

Hey folks, how is it going? I know that I’ve sucked lately about updating. I try to do it once a week but I’ve just been lazy. I don’t know what else to say, I’ve been writing, and some of it has been good, but the creative desire to write has kinda been gone. I don’t know what to say about it really. Take chapter 5 of Saffron, I think that’s a well crafted scene. It’s heartwarming and emotional, and is a sort of coming of age moment for the lead character. But it wasn’t something that came out so passionately. It just seemed mechanical almost, at least until I began revising it. 

I don’t know what to say about it, I think I might just need a few days off. We’ll see. 

The funny thing about writing is that you don’t really want to stop writing. At some point in time you just identify yourself with it. You just feel like you should be writing everyday. Maybe I’ve gotten myself in a bit of a rut, I don’t know. Honestly I’ve been changing things up a bit recently, going from just Terra and Club Vanilla to the What you Need stories (Jamie and Phillip and Joan’s Baby), to a few one shots like the Bang series, and even a round robin story with Theromen and basil for a while. 

To some degree, starting a new story has so much promise and possibility to what you can do with it. I think that’s why the audience is so responsive to first chapters, or one shot stories. What’s there is there, and there are so many avenues of exploration. But as you go on, your close them, piece by piece, until there are so few that your path seems almost on a track. But then you don’t want to deviate from that track, because it’s your path, it’s where the story is going. So you just keep it up.

Enough emo shit aside. 

I’ve written new chapters of Saffron. Here’s a recap of all of the chapters. 3-6 are new. 

Saffron Chapter 1, futa/male, oral 
Saffron Chapter 2, Sleeping with Saffron no sex, romance 
Saffron Chapter 3, May I Have This Dance no sex, romance 
Saffron Chapter 4, A Civilized Society no sex, romance 
Saffron Chapter 5, Like Everything Was Normal, no sex, romance 
Saffron Chapter 6, Back to Normal futa/male, oral, romance 

Beyond writing, some news bits. Futanari Palace is down, their HD crashed, so we’ll have to see what’s going to happens with it. World of Futanari is up and about right now, it’s the most popular board that’s up, more so now than F3.

Another storm coming tomorrow, yay. Am I the only one looking forward to spring? Work is still pretty gay. I’m looking for a car right now, hopefully I’ll get that soon. S’all I got for now. 


Saturday, February 21, 2009

Chrysanthemum chapter 2 published

Hey people, I meant to blog this last night but I’m lazy. What are you gonna do about it?

Anyway, there’s a new chapter of Chrysanthemum. Chapter 2, Unsatisfactory is up at the usual places, my website, FP, F3, and now, WoF. This furthers the whole theme of orgasm denial, and desperation in the story, as well as the other elements of it such as lactation. I actually think it came out better than I thought it would, ultimately. It’s a hard story structure to keep up really. It’s powerful, but you have to keep drumming the desperation, without overdoing it. If you overdo it you weaken the story as a whole, because the reader skips over it.

Oh and I enjoyed writing the breast and penis enlargement portions of the story as well. As well as the milking scenes, but those are always fun.

In other news, the new chapter of Terra, David's Day,  is still sitting around, if you want to read it. Might like it, who knows?

Gotten a good chunk of Saffron done, debating what the length of the chapter will be. I’ve got 5 scenes I want to do basically, and I’m debating on the length to make each chapter, or how many scenes per chapter. I’m thinking of making 5 short chapters, and posting two today. I started to write something erotic in it, but it just wasn’t happening, so I stopped.

Anyway, probably an update tomorrow with a new Saffron. Might be it for a while, I don’t have anything new to post in it just yet.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Terra 26, David's Day released.

Hey folks,  trying to stay up on top of everything. Thanks to a generous hand by a mister Theromen, we have a new chapter of Terra to enjoy. 

This chapter focuses more on David, as he deals with everything that he has had problems with, and as he tries to figure out just what his relationship with Terra is, and sort through the emotions to get there. It serves as a good reintroduction to the main conflict, as well as the idea behind the nanobots. Oh, and they get to Mars, which is nice.

In other news, I have another chapter of Chrysanthemum almost completed. The first draft is done, but I want to get another couple of drafts done first. Shooting for Friday night, so that I can get to Saffron in the morning and after that find something new to work on.

I'm ready for spring btw. S'all for tonight. Thanks to Senshi for reading and commenting, I did add your blog link if you hadn't noticed the 2 hits.


Sunday, February 15, 2009

(late) Valentines Day means new futa stories

Hello people. Long time and no write. Well I write, but I haven’t posted it here lately. 

Let’s just get started with the new story, which is why you’re all here. First up, Chrysanthemum. It’s another story in the Terraverse. This one is about a decade after the events of Terra. It’s a complete side story, and one need not read it beforehand to understand what is going on, other than the fact that there are now nanobots that make some people futanari in the year 2522. It contains bondage, orgasm denial, masturbation, condoms, medical fetish, futanari, breast enhancement, penis enhancement, anal, and lactation. Only one chapter for now.

Next up we have two short chapters of Saffron. Neither includes sex, yet. It’s coming, but I’m going with the short chapters. There will be sex in the next one chapter, or possible next two. These are probably too cute. Apologies for that. Chapter 2 and Chapter 3. Chapter 1 is here if you missed it.

Okay, now that we have that done with, here’s just some news and notes. I had about as lousy a week as I could. First I just had some work issues. Then I had to waste a day for jury duty. I didn’t have to actually serve, but it was still a pain in the ass to get up early and go down there, and have to wait like 2 weeks to get reimbursed for the day of work. Then I had personal issues, and long story short, my entire weekend has been all kinds of messed up. It’s like I didn’t have much of a time off, so I didn’t wind up getting anything done. Well I guess I did get quite a bit done, but at the last minute, and while pretty tired.

As for what’s next, well I’m just sort of feeling it out. I’ve got a draft of Terra out, still waiting to hear back on that. I’ve gotten some work done in the new Chrysanthemum chapter. We’ll see how well that manages to go. Saffron seems to be my Saturday morning fix, and I’ve got some of the next chapter done already. I’m trying to keep it short, well lolicon/shotacon story being short, get it? We’ll see how far Chris goes, for now. If it dies out, it dies out, no big whoop. I like it but I don’t love it. I keep trying to get myself geared up to write another chapter of Club Vanilla, but it’s always hard to end a story for me. But we’ll see, summer is coming up and I have another idea for a novella involving the Brown family.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Nobody's Mad About Saffron

Nobody's Mad About Saffron, so I've decided to take it down. I've just sort of, ah, nevermind. No more emo shit.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Major Website Update

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Saturday, January 31, 2009

News update

Hey folks, some news and tidbits. 

Wrote a new story, “Saffron,” just an original story. Kind of came out of nowhere really. Just woke up with a story and wrote it. Kind of don’t want it to become a whole long story, but we will see what happens with it. Just a diversion for a day is all. Still a read would be nice. It has loli futa/shota in it. baleetedor baleeted

Still working on the new Terra, it’s getting there. I have about 2 scenes to write for the rough draft, and then I’m going to do the whole edit thing, which is really my way of padding scenes more than cutting anything. I barely ever cut anything. Just my way I guess.

In personal news, I’m still feeling crappy. Been coughing up everything it seems, and it’s not pretty. I’m fine when I’m not coughing, but when I do it feels like I’m coughing up broken glass or something. I don’t know. Every says ‘Well if you’re coughing it up then it’s good’ but it’s like, yeah, if I’m coughing it up it’s better than keeping it in. The problem is that I’m still coughing it up after more than a week. Oh well, boo hoo right? Gotta just suck it up.

Oh and World of Futanari has been raised from the dead, for now at least. I’m gonna wait until the database is good to do anything, but it’s nice to see the place up and about.

Maybe a new WC soon. Superbowl tommorow. S’all I got.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Terra 25 published

Well the basic news is that the new chapter of Terra, Chapter 25, Terra’s Tears, has been published. You can see it here. It’s a different one. Theromen calls it more episodic, but I don’t know. I had tried to do something a little different with it, by changing, or shifting, perspectives more often in the story. It was necessary for this chapter, but it was different than what I had been doing really, so I don’t know how well it would up working. Feel free to let me know.

Beyond that I’m already hard at work on the next chapter of Terra. I resolved myself to not write a chapter of something else until I had gotten them to Mars. And I will finish that part of the story. It’s taken quite some time getting from there to here, as someone put it to me in chat, it took almost as much as a real trip to Mars would have. Well depending where Mars was relative to Earth. 

I think that the upcoming chapters will come a bit easier for me, really. I had planned out so much of the stuff that happened out on the ship to death, almost. I mean I have the whole outline of the story planned out, but I don’t think about it as in depth as what I’m doing next. I guess maybe a better way of saying it is that I’ve had a lot of time to think about it. I was working on so many different stories for so long, the Club Vanilla chapters, the whole theater arc was something, the What You Need stories, the Bang stories, and Thirteenth Hour, so much time for me to think. And the more that I thought about things, the more that it became stuff that I had worked on already, that my mind had felt good about it being done. So I wasn’t as interested in writing them.

But now I’m moving onto more interesting stuff, more original stuff. Things that I haven’t thought all the way about, to death. It’s pretty important really. The more that you like to write, the more that you’ll want to. That was also a major role, because there was so much about Terra that was hard for me to write. Things like Terra being yelled at, Terra being hurt, it wasn’t all that easy for me to work on all the time. The trip was meant to be unpleasant, and it was, to some degree. But as the old axiom goes, it’s always darkest before the light. So now we’re moving onto the light, and hopefully things will become easier to read, and enjoy. It’s becoming easier to write, that’s for sure. And things will look better, although there will be plenty of bleak points.

Okay, now that I got my lengthy rant done with, we can move onto what’s next. Besides the Terra chapter that I finished, I haven’t been doing a heck of a lot. Still lazy about the website. I haven’t worked on any of the editing projects that I had been, mostly because nobody is getting anything to me to beta. So I can’t do anything until I have something to work on.

Let’s see, there isn’t much else to be honest. I’m sick of cold weather, tomorrow is going to be 32 degrees and that seems warm. Work has gotten easier, by far, but the less hours is going to hurt. I just hope that I get my w2 so I can do my taxes early again this year. A month almost without caffeine or soda, well sprite doesn’t count really. Loving my new book, MABTW. 

S’all I got today. 


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bang in the who gives a shit really?

Hello people. I know that I haven’t updated in far too long and I have nothing else to say about it other than it’s been purely my own laziness. I haven’t had much of an issue at work, it’s died down a lot. So yes it’s just been laziness.

Beyond the laziness, happy new year. Did a chapter of Terra, Failed Attempts.(Scroll down) It came out pretty well, we shift back to everyone on Mars, and I try to flesh out some of the characters a little bit. 

There’s also another bang story, Bang in the Proposal. It’s become an end of sorts, well at least a conclusion to the last story, Bang in the Yulelog. It wrapped up the hanging ends, but still left plenty of room open for some something new if it strikes me.

I’ve been working on a round robin story with Theromen and Basil_Jelly, we’re having a bit of fun on it. Snow day is here if you want to read it, or join it.

Working on another chapter of Terra next, I’m trying to get the story into gear. I don’t want to just be writing a chapter every 2 or 3 months again. My goal is to get things closer to finishing soon, but it’s still some ways away. But if I can get things going and get past this little block that I’ve been dealing with, it’d be nice. It’s not that I’ve just gotten writer’s block, far from it. but the big problem is that I’ve been thinking about so much of this stuff for so long that now my noggin just kind of thinks about it as old news. So once I get past this, it will all be different stuff. Sure there’s a lot planned, but it’s different than having thought it all out. I can tell you that they get to Mars, but thinking about how that happens specifically is different. So sure there are various things that I will set up in these chapters that will come into play, including Kyle’s roommate, and Josiah’s courtesan. They will play important roles in the story, but so will people like Brody and Green. Things are getting heavy, and I want to get to the heaviness soon. So in doing that, the next chapter of Terra is close to a very rough draft, but it’s going to need a lot of beefing up. Still just getting through the scenes are important, even knowing that I’m going to have to return to it. So I basically have 2 scenes, well maybe just one real long one to do and then I go back and fill it up.

Ok, long paragraph. Beyond that I’ve been beta reading again, a little something for wolfdragongod, which has some promise. The other thing is something that a new writer is working on, Jay Bird, at F3. I’ll keep both on the down low, but if they post it, I’ll blog it. Probably like a month after but nevertheless.

Still haven’t updated my website, still mulling over just doing the blog thing. It’s not that much effort, again, pure laziness. 

Personally things are more or less the same. Liver is acting up again, hopefully it won’t be too big of an issue. I’m a survivor. Work is, as I said, dying down a bit, which is nice, but the lack of money isn’t. Just waiting on the W2 form right now. Hoping to get a car with it. Should be some decent deals now, with the bad economy. 

I plan on writing Terra until another story idea comes to mind. I have a few different story thoughts, but they’re really not much more than characters. Still got an idea for another What You Need story but its baseball related. Maybe during spring training, when the game starts for real.

Well I hope I made up for the long absence with a decent explanatory post. A comment, reply, email, something, wouldn’t hurt.
