Friday, May 30, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Chapter of Club Vanilla

Hey, just posting that I completed the sixth chapter of Club Vanilla. You can view it on my website, the link is right there. Just a heads up if someone out there was actually just reading my blog and not coming from any other various websites/forums.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day, is something worth consideration.

Look, I'm not some bible thumping gun toting 'Why don't you love America' type of guy, okay? I disagree with the war in Iraq, I want our soldiers home, I didn't want to go there to begin with.

But Memorial Day isn't just a day about eating hot dogs and burgers, it's not the inaugural day of summer. It's not a 'happy' holiday. It's a day to remember those who have died in service of America. I won't lecture anyone on the importance of a day commemorating everything, it's something you've no doubt heard before.

Just, don't forget what today is about, and don't go around saying 'Happy Memorial Day', because it's not a happy day. Like I said, I don't agree with the war, I don't agree with the government, but that doesn't matter. Because somewhere along the line someone has died for a cause that was just in the name of the freedoms we all enjoy, whether it was the Revolutionary War that founded democracy, whether it was the Civil War to abolish slavery, or whether it was World War 2 to abolish fascism in Europe, there's something worth remembering.

Love the troops, hate the war.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Writer's Corner – Betas, Beta Readers, and Drafts

Writer's Corner – Betas, Beta Readers, and Drafts

Writers Corner is an attempt by me to create some kind of aid or assistance for people who want to write. I am by no means a great writer, I barely qualify as a good one. I am simply trying to give people the chance to not make the same mistakes that I have, and hopefully help someone at least in some small manner. While I write erotica, much of the information posted will help people who are writing non-erotic works as well. I cannot be held responsible if my advice has an adverse effect on your writing, or if it improves either.

Today I posted that I sent my work to my beta readers, and I thought for the initial Writer’s Corner I would talk about beta versions, beta readers, and drafts.

When you first create something, your first instinct is to naturally show it to people. You’ve done it, you want to get some kind of a response, whether it’s something for school, whether it’s from your friends and family, or whether your going to post it online, the natural desire is to get it out there and show people.

You have to suppress that urge to do it, trust me. When you write something, there’s a great chance your going to make a mistake. Whether it’s a simple ‘to, too, two’ or ‘where, were’ ‘who’s whose’ kind of error, up to whether your creating an out of character instance, you are likely going to make some kind of error. Hell, I make tons of them. Spelling and grammar checker included in Word and other processors are great tools certainly, but they can only achieve so much.

Now just to let this be known, I did not invent this nor do I claim to, this is just a method that works for many people. But when I write, once something is completed, it enters into a beta, or what I term a raw beta.

What is a beta? What is a beta reader?

The word itself is literally the second letter in the Greek alphabet, you may recognize it if you’ve been a member of a fraternity or sorority. In computer programming a beta is an unfinished version of the product, a version that is somewhat stable but still needs to be worked on, to have the bugs taken care of, and to be tested greatly. Depending on the state of the unfinished program, it may also be called an alpha, which is the version preceding the beta (alpha preceding beta in the Greek alphabet). Beta testers test a program, if it’s a video game they are sometimes called game testers.

The concept is essentially the same, a work that is in beta is considered to be an unfinished version of a piece of work that requires people to come in and work on it, notice errors and problems. A beta reader is someone who helps the writer in working on that beta.


Oftentimes, a story should go into at least two drafts. After all, finishing it and looking at it once is two drafts. Some people will want to do more, it all depends on how much work the author has already put in on it, how much he or she needs to put in on it, how long the piece is, and whether or not the author is a perfectionist or not.

The first version of a story is the rough draft. Its name is appropriate, everything hasn’t been smoothed out, as the kinks have yet to be worked on. This is generally the beta I discussed earlier. The author may go over it him or herself, trying to correct the problems themselves. If I have just written something and not had a chance to go over and read it, then I call it a raw beta, as I haven’t even personally taken care of small things yet.

Once I read through the raw beta and I’m satisfied enough to send it out, this is the time to send it off to the beta readers.

How to get the best from beta-ing

Betas don’t just find places where commas should be periods, or where names need capitalization. They also help have a guiding hand steering the story, telling you where a sentence sounds wrong, where it doesn’t come off right. They can tell you if you seem to be breaking a character from their normal actions. They can say if a scene is confusing, or unnecessary.

One of the most important things about a beta is to keep an open mind, to not be defensive of your work, and to have an open form of communication with your beta readers. They have to be able to tell you about a flaw, or a bad point in the story, honestly. They cannot be afraid that if they leave a comment to you, that you will get upset, that you won’t be able to take their critique in stride. That kind of communication is very important. I find that sometimes I have to distance myself from the critique if I find it to be too harsh and return to it later, when I can take the emotionality of the instance out of it.

Another thing that is important is to ask your betas specific questions as to what you want them to keep an eye out for. Depending on the story that your writing, you might want them to look for clues, you might want them to look for descriptions of people, you might want them to find Waldo, but you have to let them know that. If you perceive something to be weak in the story, then say what it is. Ask ‘is scene x weak, is it needed?’ or ‘does scene y read alright?’ or ‘does scene z seem rushed?’ or another specific question.

Wait to edit your work until you have read the critiques and input of the betas. That way when you do you’ll have the criticisms in mind, if you change a scene and then read it’s confusing for whatever reason, you may wind up later finding out that you only made things worse. (Or possibly you corrected the mistake)

Most importantly, appreciate the help they are giving you, and be sure to thank them for their help. They aren’t doing it for pay, generally, and just as you want a response for the work you’ve done, be sure to leave a kind word to the people who have worked for you. Make their job easier, if they prefer a certain type of document to read, send them that kind of document, if they’d rather chat with you about a story instead of email their comments, then find some time.

How to get beta readers

Well, oftentimes, ask! It’s usually that simple. Beta readers are usually people who are friendly to you, who want to help you out. Only send work to people your comfortable with, don’t send it to just some random bastard who you don’t know. There are a lot of people out there, some are positive people, and some are negative ones. This can be a friend and family for pieces that you are comfortable to share them with, or this can be someone you meet on the internet. But the bigger question is where to ask, where to find people there to help you. Generally, the best place to find help is where you plan to post it. Do you plan on writing an erotic story? Then wherever you post it, is wherever you should ask for help.

Many forums are a good place to find people who are willing to help lend a hand, particularly in a story section. Many forums for story sites have areas for beta readings, or work in progress areas where you can find people to help.

If you aren’t going to post it online, much of that information is still applicable. Oftentimes you can meet people in real life who are interested in reading your piece easier than if it was erotic, and you can keep yourself from blushing as you show it to them. If you’re in college many places have writing areas, or teacher’s aides that can offer up ideas and constructive criticism.

Do not just email or PM (private message) someone a story expecting a beta, even if they have beta read other stories for other people in the past. Ask first, it’s just the polite thing to do. Do not lay out a time table, do not expect them to get things done by a certain time. Everything takes time especially free things. Do not be rude to them if they point something out. Explain and discuss to them why you have done what you have done, and why you feel it’s important to the piece. It’s okay to defend something; it’s not okay to be defensive. There has to be a give and take between the two of you.

I hope this helps everyone out, and I hope to make this a regularly occurring feature on the website. Please feel free to leave any civil comments.

Progress Update

Hey everyone, I've sent out the betas for Club Vanilla, it's basically a talent show. This chapter contains four sex scenes, and the next chapter will contain four more, but I don't want to ruin the fun of reading it, so I won't spoil anymore of it for you. If my betas get things back in time, hopefully you will all have a good chance to read something on Memorial Day, but don't hold your breath, it's their weekend off too.

Other than that I've been doing a little bit of learning, while I understand html and some css/javascript elements it's something that I haven't been doing a lot of for some time, and even then I wasn't doing it often enough to really be an interwizard. This is my first time using blog software, and while I find it to be rather intuitive, it's nevertheless something I still need to cut my teeth on it. For example I know how to do things like tables and onmouseover that I've done on my website recently, but part of it was relearning how to do it, and then again it was just easier to use a web service to do it and make it easier for me. I created the images, and I'm considering changing the onmouseover picture to one that's more understated, perhaps just change the .gif with the blank background to a blue text.

Just on a personal note vacation is winding down, and I'm nowhere near where I wanted to be, writing-wise. There isn't much I can do about that really, but just being out of work has been nice. This week was my free week, the next week I'm going to spend with family, so I won't have a chance to do much writing at all. But honestly, having all the free time I've mostly just been screwing around, you can only get so much writing from yourself before you are just writing poorly, creating lousy words just to bang out something for the sake of banging something out. So I've just been catching up on movies and tv shows I've been meaning to watch.

Another post later tonight, a new weekly piece coming up,

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have updated my website

Hello, this is just a short post to inform people I have updated my website, creating the mouserollover effects to make browsing easier and cleaner, and I think it looks better.

Other than that I'm close to getting the raw rough draft of the next chapter of Club Vanilla done, and I've gotten a thousand and a half words done in Terra. Hope to finish the rough draft tommorow, go over it, and send it out to the betas to post in the next week or so.

PS I've been told my fanart links do not work, don't feel the need to mention that please.

Monday, May 19, 2008

What I've been up to 5-18-07

Hey everyone, I wanted to post something on the blog other than just that I have created a blog, so here's just an idea of what I've been up to lately, writing wise.

I intend to explain these stories at some time, if your not familiar with it, I'd suggest you just start reading them, it's better than any explanation I could give.

For starters, earlier this week I posted the newest chapter, number twenty one, of Terra, called God, Bringing of War. It's named after a Gustav Holst classical piece, in his work called the 'The Planets' and I listened to it while writing the piece, and found the name to be apt, since it involves Mars as a hostile planet. There's a lot of interesting stuff in the chapter, part of it is a reintroduction to the characters, as Kyle and Tom were largely missing from the last ten or so chapters. Plus there is a number of interesting stuff there, things like Kyle and her unfortunate position, Tom and his situation(the two will be foils for how they deal with their capture), and a greater understanding of Capistrano, and Smith, along with secondary characters like Brody, Chloe, Angelica, and the like. I've got a few words written in the next chapter, but only around a thousand.

Beyond that, I've been working on the next chapter of Club Vanilla. This one is going to tax my writing skills, or lack thereof, as I intend to have eight scenes involving different fetishes. It's basically a sexual talent show. I am going to post the first four scenes, then the second four, and have the audience vote for the last on who gets to be the winners to advance to the second round, well the remaining two, Julie and another couple have to advance for plot reasons. I've gotten just over 10,000 words done in it so far, so chugging along really, probably will wind up around 15000 or so words long, give or take a grand or two.

Other than that I'm just having conversations with another author regarding a possible collaborative effort, nothing in concrete yet just something on the horizon.

I have another idea for a story I've been considering, just something that's been kicking around in my mind but I don't know if I'm going to get it down or not. To be honest it's not really erotic, but I could make it erotic, I haven't decided yet. The kids are younger than I usually write, but that wouldn't stop me, it's just a matter of the way I thought of it, there was no sex, whereas I could throw it in but I don't know if it's gratuitous or not.

Additionally, I've been kicking around the old peanut about writing a followup to the crossover I did involving Theromen's character Mei, and he picked up afterwards. It's my turn, whether or not I'll get around to writing it is to be seen, I may pen something down in the interests of getting something done whilst awaiting answers from betas.

Basically, just what I'm up to, if anyone wondered.


Friday, May 16, 2008

I have created a blog

I suppose I'm on the cutting edge of three years ago. This blog will mainly exist for me to write down things that I don't feel like posting on my website. This will vary as to my feelings on certain subjects, on writing in general, on sex and sexuality, on varying different sexual occurances. This will be the place to check for updates on my website, on my writing in general, on announcements on new projects and on different things that I'm working on, on websites that I find to be fun or sexy, fan art or relevant art, or just a good place to go to check out.

If you've come here not knowing what to expect, my penname is SomeRandomBastard, I write pornographic stories, these are stories not intended for children or anyone under the age of 18, or anyone who is not interested in seeing pitures or stories containing frank sexuality and sexual situations then they should not be here. I will make seperate posts regarding different stories as soon as time permits.

Thanks for coming and reading, please try to be civil when here and I'll try to do the same.