Sunday, September 27, 2009

God does anyone read this…?

Hey folks, what’s going on? There’s not a whole lot going on with me lately, but I wanted to let everyone know what was going on with me.

Firstly, I went and did the whole ultrasound thing on Friday. I was going to write an update, but there wasn’t really anything to update. I did it, it happened, and I’m waiting for the results. I’m hoping to hear back sometime this week, but first they have to send it to my doctor, and then he’s got to look at it and inspect it. I’m guessing that they do all of this by some type of postal service, god I’d hate to imagine them doing it either via UPS or email.

When I know I should let you know. If you care, honestly, I don’t know how many people really give a fuck. I mean I don’t want to BAWWW here so I won’t. I’m not looking for sympathy from complete and total strangers. I’m not an attention whore, I don’t want people to worry about me or anything. If something happens I’ll let you know, otherwise I’ll just try to struggle on through the daily shit that we all deal with. If I could get over these allergies and breathe easier that’d help. Sorry if that sounds rude but I don’t really know how else to phrase it.

Anyway, beyond that the FP story challenge is chugging along, I guess. Haven’t had a lot of people go and write stories, but I’m hoping that they take their time and come up with something good. I’m working on my own thing, word count wise, its almost 7000 words, which I figure will be just over 1/3 of the story. Once I finish the sex scene I plan an action scene, followed by the climax, another action scene, and finally one last sex scene as some falling action. I know I’m being genericly vague but I don’t want to ruin any of it. I’m still probably a month from posting it anyway, I plan on posting the story on my birthday, one chapter a day or so. Or I might wait to finish it on Halloween, or maybe the day before Halloween. I haven’t decided yet.

Watched the new Fox shows tonight. Simpsons was slightly better than it has been lately. Cleveland Show wasn’t that good but I wasn’t really expecting that much from it. Family Guy is good, better than I expected over the last season. The Robot Chicken world had to be my favorite. The American Dad was better, they seem to have found a way to make Steve less annoying, or perhaps I have just gotten used to it.

So I beat Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2…in under 10 hours. Dang, what a short game. Seriously, it was good, but nothing special. Not worth the money for sure, maybe when it comes down to like 20 bucks, but it was ok. Still not sure what I’m going to move onto next, I’ve been testing the waters with Atelier Iris 2, it’s better than the first but I already played the third, which was much better. I dunno, I guess I’ll come up with something.

God I hate allergies worse than anything, having difficulty breathing is the worst, it sucks shit. But forget it. anyway, that’s it for now. God does anyone read this…?


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Whats new pussycat?

Well hey everyone, it’s Sunday night and time for an update.

Firstly I want to correct myself. Shortly after telling you all that it might be my kidney, I received the results of my blood/urine tests. Apparently it’s now my liver, or at least that’s what we’re thinking now. So I get to have an ultrasound on it. Not exactly what I wanted but maybe sometime I’ll find out what’s wrong with me. It’s on Friday, but chances are I won’t know for sure until the weekend after that.

Moving on…I decided to go forward with my idea for a Futanari Palace Halloween Story Challenge. I don’t want to call it a contest, because I don’t want to make it competitive. I’m actually surprised at the amount of interest that has been shown, far more than I had initially expected. I hope that as many people that are interested actually write and finish a story.

I’m working on an idea for a story, but I think I’ve got the base of it cemented. I don’t want to spoil it but I might wind up pushing the 20,000 word limit. Damn it, who made up that stupid rule?

Also I’ve been working on Terra, although I’m afraid it might be on hiatus while I write the Halloween story, then I’ll pick it back up. I’m only like maybe 15% done the next chapter anyway.

The reason for that is, of course, Mana Khemia 2, which I finally beat this week. It was a good game, a fun one, though very repetitive. But I’ve moved on from a repetitive 70 hour jRPG to a repetitive 20ish hour beat em up, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. It’s basically the same as the other games based on that engine, X-Men Legends1-2, Fantastic Four, and its predecessor. The storyline is more interesting, because it’s based on the whole Civil War storyline in the Marvel universe, although it sorta sucks because instead of actually splitting up the camp into two different groups, you can basically play with just about everyone except for a few, like Iron Man on the pro-registration side, and Captain America on the anti-registration side. Someone like Wolverine, who was very anti being on Stark’s side, or Spiderman, who actually revealed his identity being on Captain America’s side, is kinda silly. But whatever, it is a video game based off a comic book, so it’s all good. Thankfully the repetitive nature of the game won’t have me as sucked into it as I was with Mana Khemia 2.

I’ll let you all know what’s up with me when I know. Frankly not knowing sucks the most, but there’s nothing I can do. If any of you care, I’m still alive, and I’m not dying, at least I hope. I’m just not 100%. Dunno if I’ll ever be.

Anyway, have a good one folks.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Trying at least

Hey folks, what’s going on? Thought I’d try to get back to at least a normal weekly schedule for updating.

Right now the news is no news basically. Due to family obligations I haven’t done anything writing-wise this weekend. Nothing major and nothing to worry about, but it just ate up my time. Add that to the fact that I have a doctor’s visit on Tuesday and I haven’t been too inspired to write really. I don’t know what’s up, my side just feels…strange. Not pain but, well, I don’t know, if I did then I guess I probably wouldn’t have to go see the doctor. Whenever I have anything on the side of my body with my liver I always get a little concerned.

I’m working on Terra next, and did get a little bit of work done last week, a scene or so. I’ve tried writing things a little differently, always going to try to change things up, make it interesting, use different styles and so on. right now I’ve got like, a cast of almost thirty major and minor and tertiary characters to keep in mind, and keeping that fresh in the reader’s mind is difficult without constantly reintroducing everyone. I just try to pepper things in. A mistake I made, and I’m sure that others have as well, is that when you write you often times assume that once you’ve said something, it’s etched in stone. For an example (just a random one, not actually from anything that’s happened) Terra’s a redhead on page 50, so I won’t need to bring that up ever again.

Besides that there’s very little going on. I’m still playing that RPG Mana Khemia 2, playing through many of the same assignments for a second time is rather dull, but as my characters are mostly invincible thanks to the armor that I had left over from Ulrika’s quest, it’s hardly challenging or interesting. The character side stories are really what’s interesting, though I have to say that Roze’s story unfolds much slower than Ulrika’s did. I’m about halfway through the story and I’ve barely started to go on his story. Considering his conversations on Ulrika’s quest, it sounded like more had unfolded already. I guess I’m just getting antsy, I kind of know what’s happening, but not entirely yet.

Anyway folks, right now I don’t have a lot to talk about. I’ll let you know if my liver is dying or something. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised with my luck. Have a good one people.

PS people if you want to help me earn a buck, sign up for this thing. You don’t have to actually use it. It’s one of those fill out surveys for money programs. For signing up you can earn me a buck. Like I said you don’t have to do it, but if you do then you get some money, and I get some money too. And hey, literally will take you under five minutes and get me a buck, and they start you off with 2.50 of your own money that you can use on whatever you want. I don’t ask for paypal donations or commissions, so if you enjoyed my stories give it a shot. Couldn’t hurt. Thanks either way.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009