Sunday, June 29, 2008

No Writer's Corner this week

*shrugs* Sorry. 

Honestly, I wanted to do something, but I didn't wind up getting it done. I don't plan on doing a make up post this week, so don't expect it. Apologies.

In other news, the new chapter of Club Vanilla has gotten next to no replies, and after a week and a half I've basically given up on getting any replies. Shame that, but thanks for voting, those of you who have chosen to do so.

I've taken a bit of a break to write something that's not erotic, but is about futas. I don't know if I'll wind up posting it, I haven't decided yet. If you are here, your probably in my inner circle of people I would send it to anyway, but if not you could by like, replying, commenting, emailing, or just taking a general interest. Honestly my inner circle is comprised of four or five people who read my stuff and say something, it's not like you have to make a blood sacrifice...

Anyways, it's around 5500 words now, but it needs some tweaking, some improvements. It's just a short story, after taking the advice of Basil Jelly, I decided to write a novella, or short novel. You can visit his sizeplay blog here or just click on the link after reading the post. It's a story involving futas, but has no sex, and it explores the an issue in one futa's life. I might wind up doing a series of these novellas, but we'll see how it goes.

WolfDragonGod has posted her new story at Futanari Palace. You can read it here, it's chapter four, and it's an improvement on her story. She's getting better, her early story is about ten times better than my early stuff. Don't forget to reply.

In other news, I have vacation the week after next, starting with the fourth of July. I'm going away next week, probably Monday through Friday, so no writing, replying, or posting anything. The poll availability is going to expire during that time, so I won't know, or at least I won't be able to post the results until then. I don't want to go looking at porn websites where I'm going. 

I'll post something else in the near future, I dunno what so just keep your eyes open and maybe you'll find something worth reading.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Unsheathing The Sword, CH 1

Crudebuster's latest story has finally been published, as advertised. 

It’s a fantasy futa story, and it is one of the stories that I have been editing. He is a guy who has written a lot, but hasn’t really had someone come in and help him beta the story right. English is not his native language, so there was many instances which needed cleaning. Not just in spelling, but grammar, tense, and colloquialisms. Hell, his English is better than my Portuguese any day. He’s written everything, I just pointed out where there were flaws, where there were mistakes that needed to be fixed, or at least, where I saw them. I’m not perfect either. But he is the sole writer, and I didn’t write anything out for him, except for coming up with the title.

The story itself is a lighthearted, not a deep or brooding affair by any means. It involves a number of fantasy elements, most prominently magic. There is sex, between a futa and a girl, and transformation, voyeurism, virgins, and oral and vaginal sex. If you’re a fan of futas, and fantasy, or just want a nice read it’s worth your time. And hey, leave a comment too, that never hurt.

Without further ado, here it is. I’m linking the one at F3, because FP you will have to register to view, and after registering, getting the email, validating it, you might lose the link. 

Unsheathing The Sword at F3

PS: I know this is a blog specifically for me, but I helped him, so that counts. If I beta your story, I will post a link to it too.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Club Vanilla Chapter 7, is released!

The latest chapter of Club Vanilla, Chapter 7, Talent Show Part 2 is on my website now. Or it will be shortly, ASSTR has an issue with the transfering of files from their update server to their web server, so be patient. If you can't be patient, I'm sure that you can find them at the various other websites that you found my blog from.

Next on the list, while I wait for the poll results to finish, will be to write another chapter of Terra, I've already gotten some of it done, now I just need to work on it a little bit more, hopefully it won't interrupt the next one. Honestly, I feel bad that it has taken so long to geta new chapter done, my own fault I know, but I'm trying partly to improve the quality of the story as well.

Don't forget to vote, on either the poll here, the one at F3, FP, or WOF, and remember you can vote twice. If you don't want to vote on one of them, I will take comments here, emails, or Private Messages.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


The Boston Celtics have won, and I couldn't be happier about that. This is awesome. And good for you too, because now I won't have that taking up my time, so more time for writing and working on stories. No more must watch games, until the World Series. I won't go on, I'm sure there aren't a lot of you that interested in it, but FUCK YEAH CELTICS WIN BABY FUCK DA LAKERS

Monday, June 16, 2008

While I wait for other people to finish my beta

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Saturday, June 14, 2008

Writer's Corner, Responses

Writers Corner is an attempt by me to create some kind of aid or assistance for people who want to write. I am by no means a great writer, I barely qualify as a good one. I am simply trying to give people the chance to not make the same mistakes that I have, and hopefully help someone at least in some small manner. While I write erotica, much of the information posted will help people who are writing non-erotic works as well. I cannot be held responsible if my advice has an adverse effect on your writing, or if it improves either.The main idea of this episode of Writer’s Corner is to talk about responses. This can come in the form of ‘Thanks’ buttons on forums, comments, replies, emails, PMs, IMs, or any other various means of communication on the internet.

Writer's Corner, Responses

No matter what form it comes in, chances are that responses won’t come as often as you want it to. I touched upon this earlier in my previous Writer’s Corner, about patience. 

Now let’s be honest, we all have an ego, at least I do. You might as well. When we spend hours working on something, coming up with something, we want attention, we want to be gratified with praise. We want acknowledgement on what it is we’ve done, we want someone to just make us feel better about what we feel good about. It’s hard to step away and honestly critique our own work, just as your own child you can sometimes be blind to their imperfections. You see all the greatness and none of the faults, and believe that someone else will as well. Maybe you don’t want someone to come over and kiss your ass, maybe you do. 

There isn’t much that can be done to garner more responses. I find that the best way is to form close (relatively for the internet) friendships with other people online that can come in and honestly give you positive or negative feedback. Naturally this isn’t something that can be forced to happen, this is something that has to naturally occur over the course of spending time on websites and forums. Other writers are usually a good place to try, as they have a sort of insight on writing and a desire for responses. 

Another big part is to seem accessible to responses, whether it’s a simple ‘Hey thanks’ a small spelling or grammatical edit, or a more in depth critique. Thank everyone who thanks you, and try to respond to them. If they gave their time to write something to you, you should take the time to write something to them. Should it be a spelling or grammar edit, then thank them and fix your mistake. If someone comes to you and critiques your work, you should take the time to respond to it intelligently. Don’t simply accuse them of being rude or attacking your work, honestly have a discourse. Don’t ignore them. Perhaps they are putting out something that you have missed, or something your betas didn’t pick up on.

But this post isn’t designed to help garner more responses, not really. I’m not the person to talk to about that. This post is designed more to be about responses and how they work.

Sometimes you are going to write a story, or a chapter of a story, and your going to think that this is a really good job. Then the results aren’t exactly pouring in, probably more like dripping in at best. It’s discouraging. Especially if you are on a forum, or a website, and see hundreds of views and two replies(and one is your own) 

Part of responses is getting your story to your target audience, if your audience likes female dominant stories, go to a femdom website. If they like futanari, go to a futanari website, and so on. If your posting stories on a website where people aren’t interested, well, you won’t get the same amount of replies.

Another part is putting it up on a larger number of places. The more places that you put your story up, the more responses that it will be likely to get, again, assuming that you’re sending it to appropriate websites. 

But honestly, the most important thing to do is to not expect responses. People won’t send them really. Sure, some folks will drop lines, and it’ll be really nice, especially at first, but as the story goes on, as things fall into place, the replies will get smaller and smaller, as people get turned off for some reason or another, as people have other things begin to take up their time, and various other reasons. 

That’s when the make of a real writer comes out, when you are there to do it for yourself. You’re not getting paid for it, not if you’re reading my advice, unless you find it amusing. You’re doing it for free, so why are you doing it? Because you have a story to get out, so get it out, and if people like it good, and if they don’t, or if they ignore it, or don’t post it, then just let them do whatever, and write the story because you want to finish it.

One last note, try to create a ‘dummy’ email account, because if you put your email out there, a lot of bots are going to find your email and send you spam, and in any case you might not want your ‘normal’ email to be mixed up with responses about your stories, erotic or otherwise. 

So remember for replies, post your story where it belongs, and be accessible to the person replying. But most importantly, don’t worry about replies, and just get the work done, honestly, it’ll be more rewarding, and less frustrating that way.

Apologies for the lateness of the post, I hope to not miss the next week.

Progress Update

Just a quick heads up, CV betas out in the email, waiting to get it back. When it's done, I'll post the poll.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Now comes the hard part...

Well, the easy stuff is done, the writing, now comes the hard part, the editing. I'm very close to sending out the beta for Club Vanilla now. And sorry, no makeup Writer's Corner this week, just this weekend. Again, I'll give full refunds. Should send it out this weekend, hopefully I'll release it soon, in the usual  places, you should know where they are. The biggest issue is that I'm not getting as much help from my betas lately, but they aren't getting paid, and have more important things to take care of.  So we will see what goes on. Once I get the new chapter put up, then I will start a poll, again at the usual places.

Honestly the heat and summertime has sort of taken away my desire to write.  I think a part of it has been overwriting. And getting a new game, Disgaea, a long and time consuming tactical rpg, isn't helping that much. Despite the two days off, I didn't get any more done.

In other news, information I have no reason to believe you will find interesting, I've gotten a new bed, and am sleeping better now, so w00t! Took a couple of days off of work, it was nice to have the time off, even though I didn't get much done, other than clean up, and not work.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Writer's Corner postponed/progress update

Writer's Corner postponed due to NBA Finals. And I'm lazy.

I don't know if I'm going to have time to do an entire part this week, honestly. I might on Tuesday, if I get that day off, or I may just save it up for next weekend. Either way we'll see, but I wanted to let you know what was happening.

If you object, I'll give you a full refund :P

As for the progress, I'm slowly but surely getting things done on the next chapter of Club Vanilla. Should get a beta out by the end of the week, hopefully get it out at the start of the next week, then the voting will begin. While I wait for the voting to finish, I'll hopefully get the new chapter of Terra out, then back onto CV. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Progess Update

Hey everyone, this is just a quick little update on what's going on. I'm not pretentious enough to think that anyone would give a damn if I used twitter, besides I don't even have the hardware necessary. And as Penny Arcade has shown, twitter isn't really worth using. Perhaps if you have some small amount of fame or notoriety, but not for me.

Anyway, other than posting around in FP F3 and WOF, I've been writing in Club Vanilla. The next chapter is getting done, basically I've gotten around 7,000 words done in it. Comparatively, the last chapter was around 17,000 words, so I'm making some good headway. I've worked on the transitory scene between the last chapter and the next sex acts, and I've gotten one and a half scenes done, so I'm getting there. The next scenes are shaping up nicely, and once I finish that I'll post a poll pretty much everywhere, as well as taking responses via PM and email, and comments on the board.

So yeah, you have that to look forward to. Sorry for the short post, but honestly I don't have much else to say.