Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmastime/New Years

Hey people, I know it’s been a while. So just bear with me and I’ll try to catch all up.

The first news is that I’ve posted a new story, another of my one day challenges, ‘Bang in the Yulelog’. Another futa/f/m threesome, without any futa/male penetration. This beats my story, lengthwise, by about 2,000 words. I put a lot of effort into it, I don’t know if it’s all that good. Here’s the breakdown by hour. While I say breaks, I still include that in the amount of time. Word totals are cumulative, so 1144 is hour one, and 2823 is hour one and two combined, etc.

1:15 PM start time
1 hour 1144 words 
2 hours 2823 words
break between 2/3
3 hours 3769 words
4 hours 5141 words
5 hours 6734 words
Dinner break halfway through
6 hours 7798 words
35 minute Phone call
7 hours 8648 words
8 hours 9750 words
8 hours 12 minutes (first draft)10130 words
9 hours, 45 minutes, final draft, 10,552 words
11:00 PM end time

Beyond that I just send out a beta to go out for the newest chapter of Terra. Back on Mars, doing stuff and things, I won’t spoil it. Next chapter Terra will get close to Mars, and the one after that she’ll land on the planet. It won’t be easy, but it never is, is it? Keep your eyes open for that.

Moving on, I have continued to be lazy regarding updating my website. So there aren’t any new updates there, even though I still haven’t posted the latest Club Vanilla, Rose’s Baby, and the newest story I’ve done. Be patient, please, for any of those who might give half a care.

After that, a belated Happy holidays to everyone, and an early new year. 

Christmas time is different for me. Last Christmas Eve, I quit drinking alcohol. I didn’t know if I’d ever be able to do it, to be honest, an entire year without a drop of booze is quite a bit for me. I didn’t know how likely it would be that I’d actually do it. But I did it, without any help or anything, really. It’s just different, experiencing the holidays like that. Everyone wants to go out and drink and get blitzed, and you play the role of Buzz McKillington. 

So I started writing. A lot. Yes I did write while I was drinking, but not nearly as much, or as well. For all of you who have kept track, my stories and chapters have gotten longer, and probably just more long winded. In the 13 months I wrote 24 chapters of Terra(one still in beta), 9 chapters of Club Vanilla, 3 one day stories, two standalone stories, and the start of a round robin one. These total close to 400,000 words in total, which is a ridiculous amount of words to write. Call it north of 1,000 words a day, which is a lot. I know I’m just tooting my own horn here, but I guess my point is that I’m a writer.

But that’s kind of the problem as of late, I don’t feel it the same way that I used to. Maybe it’s just me, but I think it’s that I don’t feel like I’m getting the same amount of recognition, really. But then again I think that I’m building myself up for disappointment sometimes, in the end. I treat it like it’s my job, and that I have to write, and that sucks some of the fun out of it. But I don’t really have a lot of hobbies, and now that I don’t drink anymore, I don’t have nearly as much friends, or maybe I should say I don’t have nearly as much time deluding myself into thinking that I’m happy, when I’m just wasted. So instead of playing the same games over and over again, I just wind up writing, because I get a little bit of fresh and new enjoyment out of it.

So what does this mean? Probably nothing, not really. I’m just jarring my mouth about not getting comments, boo-fucking-hoo pansy, right? I don’t think I’ll stop writing, or stop posting, like I’ve considered in the past. But I have been thinking up some other ideas that I might never really post, or release, because they’re well, not erotic. Some day I might actually get something published, I know, big laugh, right? But it could happen, and if it did, well, I would probably stop writing these stories. Even if I could just get a little bit done, hell I’d be happy to be publishing independent books that sell in the low hundreds if it meant I was a real author. I’m working on writing enough so that it’s gotten to the point where I’m good, and I’ve even considered taking courses to help that.

Anyway, boo-hooing aside, some other notes for consideration. Red sox suck for not spending to get Texeira, but they’re still in a better position to win the division than the Yankees, but less so than the Rays. Celtics lost to the Lakers, but don’t tell the Lakers that they didn’t win the basketball championship. My team is out of the playoffs. I’ve started watching hockey for the first time in a long while. Don’t watch Twilight. Being sick is funny, how everyone thinks it’s just an excuse for you to skip work. There’s a social group at FP of mine that you should join. Been considering about dumping the website in favor of a full blog with story archives.

S’all I got. Eyes out for a new Terra. 


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Club Vanilla Chapter 9

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Notes, thoughts, updates

Hey people, here's just a few things that have been going on as of late.

One of the three people who read this blog asked me to read his story, so I've been reading Senshi's In Cold Water(hosted at FP, free membership required). It's good, although I'm overanalyzing it more than a bit. 

As I slowly take in that story, I've already taken care of the next chapter of Club Vanilla. It's finally the end of the theater arc, which is the second of 3 arcs to the whole of the story. The first was more or less expository, Julie getting used to the club and her own sexuality. The second is where Julie masters her own sexuality. The next 3 chapters will ultimately end the story. If you don't know already what it's going to be about, then reread the first part of the first chapter. It won't be too hard to figure out.

Now that that story is in beta mode, I've gone full steam into the next chapter of Terra. It's kinda funny, I had thought that for the longest time I would have problems with all the work. But I think doing boring manual labor for hours and hours on end have spurned my creative lobe, while being tired has given me little to do besides sit at a computer and work. Accordingly I've already got over 3000 words written down, just yesterday. This chapter won't be as long as some of the more recent ones, at least I don't plan on it, not yet. 

Beyond that just dealing with Christmas rush. It's been bad, but not as horrible as it could have been. After this week there's just next week, and this upcoming Sunday is the last one I have to work. So there's some light at the end of this tunnel. Just have to get there. I was wrong about ISPs, I switch them whenever they send me the modem, the sattelite was Sunday. Tomorrow they change the phone line and then I get the internet when they send me the modem to connect up to it all. Yay, I get new internet and get to connect it too. That's what I'm paying for.

That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Slightly important thing

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Writer's Corner, Characters, How to Create a Character, and Characterization

Writers Corner is an attempt by me to create some kind of aid or assistance for people who want to write. I am by no means a great writer, I barely qualify as a good one. I am simply trying to give people the chance to not make the same mistakes that I have, and hopefully help someone at least in some small manner. While I write erotica, much of the information posted will help people who are writing non-erotic works as well. I cannot be held responsible if my advice has an adverse effect on your writing, or if it improves it either.

Characters, How to Create Characters, and Characterization

Hey folks, back for perhaps the last writer’s corner of the year. This one will be about characters, how to create a character, and characterization; or how to best describe characters in a story.


The first and most important rule of a character is to avoid the most obvious of clichés. While I realize that there aren’t a whole heck of a lot of unique characters left to write, it’s best to not focus on essentially recreating a character. Something like the badass martial arts expert, the sexy female ninja, African-American inner city young gangster, shy studious bookworm schoolgirl, or effeminate homosexual male are all examples not just from literature, but from real life(some at least), of cliché characters. While I won’t try to pretend they don’t exist in literature, television, and movies, copying them is generally a poor idea. 

Why is it a poor idea, you might ask? Well there are a number of reasons. First off, the chance that you’re interested in creating a character from one of these, or other, stocks, is that you’ve seen it elsewhere. So you think, ‘Hey, what if I take Naruto and put him in the 21st century?’ or something else. But since Naruto might not fit exactly in the 21st century you copy much of the established character’s style and nuances, and change some details such as clothes, gender, height, hair color, etc, and essentially do the same idea. 

This means you have in essence copied a character. This copying of a character is something that will hurt your story on a number of levels. If someone isn’t familiar with the base story, and is reading your story, they won’t understand the motivation of the character. I’ll go more into that later. But if it’s something Naruto would do because he’s Naruto, then it’s explained in his back-story, and you might not do enough of an adequate job in relaying an equal or satisfactory back-story, because you may feel that it’s already there.

Aside from that, creating a stock character gets rather boring. It’s something that the audience has seen and done. A ‘ZOMG I’m the toughest guy ever!’ character is lousy. Superman isn’t interesting because of his powers. He is in essence undefeatable except by a choice few, and finding a villain for him is usually uninteresting and pointless. Batman is interesting because he doesn’t have powers. He’s just a normal man without special skills. Yeah he has tools and a nice car, but he’s still bones and skin. It makes him human and understandable. Batman wouldn’t be nearly as interesting of a character if he had flight, super strength, and invulnerability. It would fix all of his problems in moments and leave little left for interest, or doubt.

There are of course two exceptions to this idea. The first is if you are gifted, and willing to make the character truly unique. Sure some kids study just because it’s what they want to do, but maybe there’s a back-story to it? Perhaps the character has come from a working class family, and loathes his father and wants to grow up and become the best that he can be with his mind, instead of his muscle. Go into their story in depth, and don’t allow for small and easily understandable things. This is very hard to accomplish, and usually best done as an anti-stereotype. 

The second is if you’re creating a character to explore that character, either to insult them or to explain your own feelings on them. The character of the stage director in Club Vanilla is one example of my disgust for homosexual males that that go out of their way to act as flaming as possible. I have no problems with homosexuals or homosexuality, but those that act as flaming as possible annoy me to no end, not because of their life choice, but because of their choice to become a stereotype. I didn’t have anything bad happen to him, I didn’t insult him with any anti-homosexual slander, I simply had a character share my disgust for him.

How to Create a Character

There are more ways to create a character than there are characters, it seems. There’s a few prevailing ideas.

The first idea is to create a character sheet, and list the physical attributes. This method is can be done when you are unsure of the plot yet, and creating a character is a starting off point to how they can evolve, and how the world can as well. This can also work when you have the idea of a plot, but need to create a character that’s suitable for it. You start by making notes of things such as height, weight, age, hair/eye color, and so on. After you have the idea of what they look like, you can build up the back-story of what has led the character to have certain abilities, skills, etc. This follows up with things like a history, or simply likes/dislikes, preferences, hobbies, interests, and so on. This is often done with people who role-play, as they generally have to not just explain their characters to others but they have to explain their characters to others. Especially those who don’t have the time to really read a long an in depth piece just to understand that their character likes dogs, or is afraid of the dark because there was a fire when they were a child. While you can’t just simply state these things, you can see what your character is made of, and how you need to describe it.

The second idea is to create a list of attributes for that character. This is usually done when you are going to center the story on the plot, or that is to say that the character development is secondary to the development of the plot. This is similar to the first idea, and can be a possible step two, but it is slightly different. One of the key differences is that this is largely setting a series of lists for a character, and then attempting to find a way to insert that into a story. For example, instead of outright saying that your character needs to wear glasses or has asthma, show that they can’t read something without their glasses, or have them worried about running because they don’t have their inhaler. 

Another means of creating a character is to create a world for them to live in. This can be done if you have the idea for a new kind of world, and want to create a character that lives in the world to explain it. If you can imagine it this way, something like my Terraverse. A post limited nuclear war Earth and a fully colonized Mars in 507 years in the future, has the notion of nanobots introduced into society. Thus, Terra is my character for this world. She’s not indicative of the world, in fact very much the opposite. But you get to see and understand the world through her naivety, as the reader is uninitiated to the world at large, even if they understand things like pizza, or sex. 

These are just 3 ways of doing it, where there are more ways than can be counted. From my experience and opinion, these are the most frequently used ones, and some of the best ones to work with, particularly if you don’t have much experience writing. But as always, find something for you, and if it works, stick to it, at least until it stops working. 


Characterization is probably one of the most important things in creating a character. It’s relating that character to the audience. This is naturally done through a number of ways, but essentially it boils down to information directly given to the reader, or information that the reader infers or determines through the narrative. 

To explain that point a little bit, much of the direct information is generally physical. This is of course natural, because we see people and can determine such things easily. I can tell you that a girl is a blond, redhead, what have you, even use poetic language to describe it. But it boils down to the fact that you can determine it easily enough via sensory descriptors.

When it comes to determining information through the narrative, this is best done through giving the reader something to consider. Say that a man is an assassin, but he’s thoughtful enough to not kill innocents, to feed a stray cat, or let a dog caught in a trap loose. You see that he’s not as cold blooded as the job makes him seem. Sure I can tell you that someone is kind, but then you absorb it like a plain fact, the same as if I told you that a person’s hair is blond. The audience doesn’t connect with that, not really, it’s just a fact. They absorb the notion of someone sparing an innocent, or kindness to animals. That tugs on the audience’s heartstrings and their own sensibilities. But more importantly, they understand that.

The important thing about characters is to create a character that the audience is able to understand and empathize with. THIS is what I meant earlier about creating stock or stereotypical characters. They are as plain and as boring as they seem to be. And the audience doesn’t have sympathy for them because they are a stereotype, because they’ve been in a hundred other stories, and because they aren’t interesting. If you create a different kind of character, you make it much more interesting, and accordingly, the audience will be more interested. 

The key to creating that interest is to create empathy, or sympathy, in the audience. But how does one accomplish this? The best means of doing it is to let the reader into the rational behind the character’s actions via his emotions. If the reader understands why the character is feeling something, then the reader can understand the course of actions undertaken by the character to resolve those feelings. Whether it’s remorse over killing, scorn after being dumped, a desire for love, feeling underappreciated, the reader will either understand the emotions from having felt them firsthand, or hopefully you will be able to paint enough of a picture to describe how it is that they are feeling adequately enough to move them. 

Now that the audience understands why it is that a character feels a way or another, move it to the next subject, the action that they take, due to the feelings that they have. 

No Motion Without Emotion

That statement means that the characters can’t do something unless the audience understands the reasoning behind their emotional situation. This is true of both heroes and villains. Heroes are often given cliché reasons to fight for good and decency, which is boring. Villains are even worse, they’re just there to be evil, as if every person comes out of a dozen or so Disney stock characters. (Smart, evil, good, fat, comic relief, etc)

You need to let your reader understand why it is that the character is doing something. Why are they wooing this individual? Why are they going to this place? Why are they fighting some grand evil? What was the motivation behind giving them some mystical power? 

Create interesting characters, and the audience will be interested. Create interesting characters, and let their emotions pour onto the page, and the audience won’t just be interested, they’ll understand and want to know more about the character. 


Know what you’re trying to do, and how to create the character. When you find a means of creating that character, don’t make it cliché. Know what is a stereotype, and avoid it. When you get down to writing it, make sure that you’re able to discern what the audience should be told directly, and what they should infer or determine through reading. Make sure that the audience understands what the characters feel, and why the character is going to act.

An Aside About Characters

The funny thing about characters is that the more that you create them, the better that you get at creating unique characters, but the harder it can be to stop creating them. Yeah, you might need a small part for a character, but you find yourself building up a back-story for them when it’s wholly unneeded. 

Not just that, but the characters that you do a good job of, you find yourself slipping into easily. In my example, some characters, such as Terra, David, Nadia, Yoshi, and especially right now because I’m working on Club Vanilla, Julie, they stick with you. I can jump into one of their voices easily, and start writing in their mindset. I’m not crazy. It’s just a writing thing. Characters are sort of a part of you. You create them from a different piece of your own mindset. I could do a whole WC on just that, but perhaps another time.

Still no timetable for updating on WC, most likely even less with the aforementioned reasons in the last post of the blog. Stay tooned.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Turkey Day + New Story

Hey everyone. I hope your November is turning out to be a nice one. 

So this is the short week for a lot of people, except those poor unfortunate bastards who work cashiers at any fine store opening at ungodly hours for Black Friday. I never understood why people NEEDED to go out on Friday, there are some good sales, but honestly it's nothing that special. And everyone I've met who does that is never done their shopping either, that might make some sense.

Anyway, my ranting aside, I do have a short week. While this is in and of itself a nice thing, it is a herald of things to come. I don't want to go all emo and BAWWW about it, but my job gets much harder when the holiday rush begins. While I work 3 days off, I only get a 3 day weekend, Thursday-Saturday, and I work Sunday-Friday for the next three weeks. Not just that, but also my job can call my in early. While this week it's just an extra half hour, it can be at least an hour of starting early and up to two and a half hours early, and another forty minutes late. So I won't have a ton of time to be writing. But you never know, with all the manual labor I might be more prone to use my brain a bit more in my free time. Or I might just take my one day off and shortened leisure time and relax and watch tv and sleep more. We shall see.

Until then, I'm putting my latest story out there for your perusal. It's another story in the 'What You Need' series, or the later terraverse pieces. I'll link to it here on F3, seeing as FP is down. I'm going to try to have the time to up it to my own website, if my laziness doesn't stop me. 3 chapters up, with another 4 to go.

Hopefully I'll get some work done on the new Club Vanilla chapter. Honestly it's going to be a hell of a finale, maybe not as much erotic as amazing. But I'll have to get to that.

Theromen posted a new story called 'The Pit', it's a PWP story but it is quite good if you're just looking for a good stroke story.

Don't have anything else to say really. Don't be surprised if posts get even scarcer than usual here folks. 


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm starting to suck again

I know, it happens. Anyway, hasn't been a hell of a lot for me to post lately. I've been working on a story, a pretty damned long one, and I finally wound up finishing it. It's another story in the same universe as my first one with Jamie and Phillip. It's actually the same universe as Terra and Club Vanilla, but it happens a generation later. Probably closer to thirty years really. 

The story itself is about an unplanned pregnancy between a futanari and a female, and the issues that the two face. I don't want to really spoil it, but I will say that it's another non erotic story. Click here to read it at F3

Since that's basically being released a chapter every other day, it buys me some time to work on the next chapter. I'm going to finish the CV chapter next, to finish the whole theater arc, and essentially, the first aim of Julie at the club. Then probably three chapters to end it, and the story is, well, done. Julie's story at least, it won't be the last time the club is featured, but I don't know that there'll be a person with enough of a problem for the club to help figure out, like Julie and her feelings of sexual inadequacy.

Work is really going to pick up soon, I'm essentially going to have to work the normal week and a half from now on, plus Sundays. A good chunk of money, but no real time to work on stuff, for like 4 weeks, from Thanksgiving until Christmas, then my christmastime is going to be busy with family and so on, and might be out for new years as well. But then, there will be a lot of time to work on things. I had thought of delaying the new story but it just didn't seem right enough to do it just to make myself seem more active. So I figured I'd delay how often I release the chapters. Don't know if it will work but I am trying.

Beyond that, Theromen is still writing stuff, and I'd advise that you go and read it. Crudebuster is working on his own story too, will link to it when he's done, but I'm pretty sure that it's a while away.

Monday, November 3, 2008

So like, vote

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Whats goin on

Hey, here's just a status report on everything as of now. I posted the new writer's corner, it felt good to get it done. I want to do more of them, and maybe find some websites focused on erotic writing that I can submit them to. Or maybe subtmit a couple and get some more traffic here, who knows?

Beyond that I spent the whole weekend editing the story I've been working on. I know it doesn't sound like much but editing 44 pages of a story is a lot of work, and I would up adding around 3,600 words in the end, quite a bit in the end. I'm glad that I did the editing this weekend. Its a huge thing for me. Editing that much is sometimes done best at one or two sittings, it helps you focus on what you've done, what you wanted to do, and what you're going to do to try to reconcile the two. Writing a scene can be done in pieces, but its not something I like. I prefer to write the whole scene out, one at a time. I don't like doing them in pieces. I think you lose something that way, you can capture the true je ne sais quoi of a scene. You can go back and work on it later to try to really show off what it is that you were trying to do, but you can't just make it come up.

Anyway I'll go into that as a writer's corner perhaps. 

Long story short is I've done the editing on like 2/3 of the story, and I need to write the remaining 1/3. Then I'm off to work on other things, probably a new CV then a new Terra. 

PS here's a pic of my tooth that came out on Halloween.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Writer's Corner, The Language of Sex

Writers Corner is an attempt by me to create some kind of aid or assistance for people who want to write. I am by no means a great writer, I barely qualify as a good one. I am simply trying to give people the chance to not make the same mistakes that I have, and hopefully help someone at least in some small manner. While I write erotica, much of the information posted will help people who are writing non-erotic works as well. I cannot be held responsible if my advice has an adverse effect on your writing, or if it improves it either.

The language of sex

Hey, back here for another Writer’s Corner. In this episode I’m going to explore some of he language of sex and sexuality, and some ways of describing things.

First off, I suppose we should start with context. By context, I mean, what is the general tone and feeling of the piece.

For instance, if a story is romantic, some of the language of the piece should be written with more romantic terminology. If two lovers finally get together in bed, you want to make the language of the piece seem as romantic as the plot of story has build up their romance to be. Let’s take two statements, and we’ll use them as examples.

Bill’s penis got hard.
Amy’s vagina got wet.

I know it’s a bit of an exaggeration, but similar statements can be found just about everywhere. Now both are rather bland statements. In fact, the verb got is a very boring word. Things become wet, or start to harden. Got is something a child says. It’s fine to say ‘I got a soda at the store” or “I got a new haircut’ because it’s not attempting to be arousing, it’s just a plain and simple way of conveying information. But in an romantic and erotic context, do we want to simply say something?

The goal of writing is to make the reader keep reading, usually by garnering their interest. (Beating them over the head works too.) Write a boring and plain scene and people will get bored and go for something more interesting. This isn’t just for got. A word like is(or any conjugation of the verb to be[was are am are]) is boring as well. Fine for conveying information in a simple and straightforward manner, but not arousing by any means.

So, let’s take the two statements, and attempt to write them more romantically. For now we’ll use the filler verb became for the verb got.

Bill’s penis became hard.
Amy’s vagina became wet.

Now as I already said, let’s remove the verb got. But even before then, examine the words penis and vagina. Sure, you can use the words, but they sounds like something out of a medical book, and while accurate, it is not entirely interesting to read, or romantic. 

You can think about any other kind of synonym to use for the word penis or vagina. But few really carry the romantic language. Cock sounds dirty, in an erotic context. Dick sounds childish. Pussy is just as dirty. Cunt is usually a bad thing. Many other words for penis (cock, pecker, dong, knob, peter, prick, rod, tool, wiener, willy) and vagina (pussy, snatch, slit, twat) don’t carry much romance with them. Now certainly, you could use something like, phallus, manhood, which work quite well, or shaft, which are a more romantic substitutes. Or for a woman you could use womanhood, honey pot, or sex, and are more romantic substitutes.

And keep in mind that this is just in a general basis. Certainly the word pussy, or cock, could be used in a romantic setting, but the words themselves do not convey romance. Words like prick and cunt, on the other hand, specifically convey the opposite of romance.

But here’s an idea, DON’T use the word penis, vagina, or any synonym. If the two are romantically involved, the audience can imagine what on Bill is getting hard, or what on Amy is getting wet. It’s probably not his ear or her nose. So let’s try this.

Bill became hard.
Amy became wet.

Still kind of dry and boring. How about instead of just stating the fact, we go into some detail about it, or more specifically, add some emotion, some feeling behind the action?

Bill groaned, feeling his body harden from the touch of Amy’s soft, delicate hands.
Amy’s body reacted instantly to his touch, and she could feel herself become wet.

And just for shits and giggles, how about we add some poetic language?

Bill groaned with unbridled passion, feeling his body harden from the warm, sensual touch of Amy’s soft, delicate hands.
Amy’s aching skin reacted instantly to his touch, centered around the growing moisture on her body.

Now, if the story is written with the general attitude of wanton debauchery, the terminology could be less romantic. The terminology can be a little more loose, a bit more bathroom stall material. Now remember, I’m not talking about complete humiliation or degradation stuff, but just smutty sex. People who know each other, or just those who engage in dirtier sex is just as fine. But this might not be a good piece for a young and naïve teenage couple, or a romantic older couple.

Now taking our previous examples, let’s get past the first step and change the verb got.

Bill’s penis became hard.
Amy’s vagina became wet.

Unlike in romantic gestures, oftentimes focusing on explicitly saying the penis or vagina can be integral to the story. If the two lovers are depraved, or having depraved sex, some of the same words not appropriate for romance could be used for the sex act. But not all. I would recommend avoiding words like dick or cunt regardless of the story, unless it’s intended to describe an unsavory character, IE ‘That John is a real dick’ or ‘Jesse can be such a cunt sometimes’

Let’s try peppering up the language a bit.

Bills cock grew rock hard.
Amy’s pussy was soaking wet.

The language is better, and certainly more interesting then the initial statements, but nothing special yet. Let’s add some more sensual language to it, shall we?

Bill’s threw his head back in ecstasy, feeling his cock grow rock hard in Amy’s wet and warm mouth.
Amy moaned aloud passionately as Bill’s tongue glided expertly across her soaking pussy.

Now of course these are just two specific examples of broad types of story telling. There are a hundred different ways to say just about anything in the world, sex included. Sex needs to be geared towards the goal of the individual story, and language is a big part of it. 

Now, for some more general advice.

Penises are not steel rods, nor should they be called it. Don’t replace a name for any part of the body with anything. If it’s a penis, then it’s hard. It’s not a titanium rod. It’s not as hard as titanium. What makes more sense, that it’s as ‘hard as titanium’, or that it’s ‘achingly hard’? The audience can determine for themselves what hard is.

Remember there are five organs. I cannot stress this enough, most sex stories I see are entirely touch and sight. You can smell sex, believe me the air of sex fills the room, even if you haven’t added anything. You can taste sex, from the taste of genitals down to the taste of the skin. You can hear sex, not just groaning, but the wet sounds of sex, the sound of flesh smacking against each other. 

If you are a virgin, remember that sex isn’t like what is written in all erotic stories. Just because a mediocre Final Fantasy fanfic said something doesn’t mean that it’s a part of sex. In general, you can research just about everything on the internet these days, and I’m sure that you can use google just as easily as anyone else. 

I hope this all helps you in your endeavors. This can be a difficult thing to recall when you’re writing it, and it gets easier if you have someone proofreading your work, to give you an impression of whether or not you’re doing the job. 


(Still no established Writer's Corner schedule. It happens when it does. Maybe reply and it'll happen more often. Or maybe not. But still, reply. That'd be nice.)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

New story yay!

Hey people, here's some updates. 

First off, new story, yay! What with the Halloween spirit (get it?) I've written a spooky-type story. Nothing too scary or too frightening, and far from guro. It's called Thirteenth Hour, and it involves two teen girls spending the night in a haunted house where a young couple died. I won't ruin it for you, but the story tags have teens, f/f, f/futa, oral, ghosts, breast enhancement, and futanarization.

Also, I updated my website with Terra's Chapter 23, Puzzle Pieces, and Club Vanilla Chapter 8, Talent Show Part 3, semifinal round. Feel free to check them out if you haven't read them already, or if you just want them in an easy to use and download text file for home use.

Past that yesterday was my birthday, so whoopee. Hence why I posted Thirteenth Hour last night instead of waiting for a beta.

Theromen has been posting more of his CP story Eve, go read it now.

That's about it. I wrote that Thirteenth Hour as a lark really, just  a story I had kicking in my head, so I'm not too down on the lack of interest/replies. I'll be real depressed when the new story I write bombs. But that's not for a while.

Anyway that's about it.I think at best we're gonna be lucky if I update this once a week in the future, wait another month and it'll be even less when it gets really busy at work around Christmastime.


Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hey folks just a quicky. I posted the latest chapter of Terra, 23, Puzzle Pieces. I'm going to link to the F3 website for now.  I'm too lazy to update my website, next weekend probably. Its pretty good and there's some sex so read and reply why don't you?

I'm working on that one piece that I said would be harder and that I wasn't sure of. We'll see if I succeed or not, it's around 7500 words long now and rising. It'll get up there in length.I may not even wind up posting it if it sucks so badly.

My buddy Theromen has started a new story Eve, so go and read it now and reply. It's even better than my stuff and it is a futa cyberpunk story as well.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Hey folks, I'm trying to get more active with posting. I'll probably fail and go two weeks without posting soon but whatever.

First off I have no idea as to why the chapter of CV, ch8 was posted like that. I'm going to try to tinker with it to get it to work.

Second off, Red Sox advanced, yay. Good for us, bad for you if you're fans of the Angels or any other team that has been eliminated. 

As for actual writing, the new chapter of Terra is around 90% done. I'm going through and editing it out, I want to tweak things a bit. That usually takes a bit longer, but it reads better than I thought it did when I started tweaking. I have to clean up some dialogue and work on things. I'm almost halfway done that, but I have to work on two scenes and really give it a workover. The major plot is there but I have to make sure that everything makes sense plotwise, and characterwise.

So the weekend is coming, and once again I have a lot of errands to take care of. I'll either do none and write, some and write some, or all of it and write none. My guess is that I'll probably do some of the errands tonight and tommorow night, and take care of the writing and editing this weekend. It's tougher now because I have baseball playoffs and the Patriots on Sunday. Even though I don't really have a horse in the NLCS, I enjoy playoff baseball. Of course Tim McCarver and Joe Buck might be enough to keep me from watching every game. 

If you're fans of nerdcore hiphop, Mc Frontalot has started preorders of his new cd, it's pretty good. If you're fans of browser based games, ForumWarz is pretty neat and it's eating up chunks of my time that I could use doing something more productive. And NO I don't get paid for either of those links if you were wondering. It's just something that I've been doing lately, which has been occupying my mind instead of really doing work.

On the proofreading front, I've helped deathbyblue of F3 on a story he's been working on. Crudebuster released the second chapter of his story a while back, I found it good even if others haven't. 

That's about it. Back to your regular scheduled non updating schedule.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Topical Title Post

Well here's what I'm thinking for now. Just some notes on the blog in general.

The blog will now feature the chapters of the stories that I'm writing. So starting today when I post it on forums I'll post it here as well. I hope this will provide people with a decent enough reason to come back here. This should also make it relatively easy to leave comments and do so anonymously. If you know me at all you know I'm a comment whore, so please if you have any input leave some notes. 

Now, beyond that, if you are so interested in what I'm up to...Not much. Cleaning stuff out and getting rid of old stuff, which is nice. Trying to turn over the old junk in my wardrobe, and remove crap I haven't used in ages. Been dealing with mold which has been a killer to my allergies, and by association my asthma. But getting it out is a big step, and will help out a ton. Gets worse before it gets better. 

Days are getting colder, which kinda sucks because my landlord won't turn the heat on. Not yet at least, he doesn't HAVE to legally until Nov. 1st.  It's strange but when you're accustomed to 75 degree days, 45 degree nights seem really cold. When I'm used to 45 degree days it won't seem as bad. Right now work isn't too bad due to the weather, but not too good either. It won't be too bad for a while yet, until it gets in mid-November, that's when the cold really comes in, a week or two before November. Then when it's the Christmas season it's the worst for me.

Writing-wise I've been working on the new chapter of Terra. It's coming along well, this is going to be a shorter chapter compared to the other ones I've been doing. Around 10,000 words so far, and probably another 5,000 left in the current scene, and the one thereafter. Not sure how I'm going to end the chapter, but I think I'm leaning towards slightly more of a cliffhanger-ish ending.

After this chapter I'm thinking of doing something different, another of the 'What You Need' stories, like Jamie and Phillip. I'm not sure which I'm going to do, the first feels like it's something that's very seasonal to do now, but most likely it won't be done in time for the baseball playoffs. The second one is quite a bit more serious, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to write it, or if the subject matter is something that is quite ready to be written in the world I've established really. 

I'm not sure about that though, I feel like I should try to finish the last chapter of the Club Vanilla 'theater arc'. 

The World of Futanari server is downish again, which really sucks. I had just started an RP there, which I was going to blog. We'll see, I'd rather have a small RP instead of a big one. It makes it easier to run. Probably just more of a reason I should write. But I liked the place and I'm sorry to see it go down, even if it's just (hopefully) temporary.

So probably something in the near future.  Lemme know if you like the blog of the stories, if you like the stories, if Sorry my last post was all emo. I try not to be, or at least try not to post that. 

Club Vanilla chapter 8, Semifinal Round

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