Sunday, November 2, 2008

Whats goin on

Hey, here's just a status report on everything as of now. I posted the new writer's corner, it felt good to get it done. I want to do more of them, and maybe find some websites focused on erotic writing that I can submit them to. Or maybe subtmit a couple and get some more traffic here, who knows?

Beyond that I spent the whole weekend editing the story I've been working on. I know it doesn't sound like much but editing 44 pages of a story is a lot of work, and I would up adding around 3,600 words in the end, quite a bit in the end. I'm glad that I did the editing this weekend. Its a huge thing for me. Editing that much is sometimes done best at one or two sittings, it helps you focus on what you've done, what you wanted to do, and what you're going to do to try to reconcile the two. Writing a scene can be done in pieces, but its not something I like. I prefer to write the whole scene out, one at a time. I don't like doing them in pieces. I think you lose something that way, you can capture the true je ne sais quoi of a scene. You can go back and work on it later to try to really show off what it is that you were trying to do, but you can't just make it come up.

Anyway I'll go into that as a writer's corner perhaps. 

Long story short is I've done the editing on like 2/3 of the story, and I need to write the remaining 1/3. Then I'm off to work on other things, probably a new CV then a new Terra. 

PS here's a pic of my tooth that came out on Halloween.


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