Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Notes, thoughts, updates

Hey people, here's just a few things that have been going on as of late.

One of the three people who read this blog asked me to read his story, so I've been reading Senshi's In Cold Water(hosted at FP, free membership required). It's good, although I'm overanalyzing it more than a bit. 

As I slowly take in that story, I've already taken care of the next chapter of Club Vanilla. It's finally the end of the theater arc, which is the second of 3 arcs to the whole of the story. The first was more or less expository, Julie getting used to the club and her own sexuality. The second is where Julie masters her own sexuality. The next 3 chapters will ultimately end the story. If you don't know already what it's going to be about, then reread the first part of the first chapter. It won't be too hard to figure out.

Now that that story is in beta mode, I've gone full steam into the next chapter of Terra. It's kinda funny, I had thought that for the longest time I would have problems with all the work. But I think doing boring manual labor for hours and hours on end have spurned my creative lobe, while being tired has given me little to do besides sit at a computer and work. Accordingly I've already got over 3000 words written down, just yesterday. This chapter won't be as long as some of the more recent ones, at least I don't plan on it, not yet. 

Beyond that just dealing with Christmas rush. It's been bad, but not as horrible as it could have been. After this week there's just next week, and this upcoming Sunday is the last one I have to work. So there's some light at the end of this tunnel. Just have to get there. I was wrong about ISPs, I switch them whenever they send me the modem, the sattelite was Sunday. Tomorrow they change the phone line and then I get the internet when they send me the modem to connect up to it all. Yay, I get new internet and get to connect it too. That's what I'm paying for.

That's all I got for now. Thanks for reading.


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