Monday, February 15, 2010

I'm not quitting, but....

Well folks I haven’t updated my blog in a while, and I guess that it’s only fair that I do so, to let you know what is happening with me.

The first thing that I want to tell you is that I’m not quitting.

The second thing I want to tell you is the reason I haven’t been blogging, which is that I haven’t written much of anything in a long while.

And that all leads me down to the point I’m about to make. I’m bored with futanari porn. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve more or less written only futanari porn over the last 2.5 years. At least, the stuff that I’ve posted.

In the end I was never so over the top infatuated with futanari as some others are. I guess my big fetish was always transformation. The act of changing from one being or creature into another. Initially I was enamored with feminization fetish, but in the end it didn’t cater enough to my interests. The female dominance angle aside (which was rarely a good thing) the transformation from being a man to having breasts and a vagina was interesting, but I did not want to do so to have heterosexual sex with a man, in my fantasies I still have no arousal towards men or anything masculine.

That’s when futanari interested me, because naturally there’s a change, or at least I typically involve one, where a man or a woman becomes a futanari. The change is sudden and affects not only their libido but their reasoning, and so on and so forth. We’ve all seen it a dozen times in stories, at least.

And if you look at my stories, the erotic ones at least, most of the better ones involve transformation. Terra, Club Vanilla, Chrysanthemum, the transformation scenes are some of the best, and rival the sex that happens soon thereafter.

So I guess the real honest truth is that futanari became boring to me. It’s more or less the same few scenes over and over again; before the transformation, transforming, self experimentation, making love for the first time (with the phallus/as a futa), impregnation, starting a family, etc etc etc, or however the specific stories go.

Now I guess if anyone’s reading this, you’ve probably assumed I’ve quit. And I haven’t done that, nowhere near it really. I’m just not as interested in writing futanari porn. At some point in time I look at myself and wonder why I write only for a fetish which starts to bore me. Hell, I look at some of my best stories as being my non erotic ones (set in the ‘What You Need’ later Terraverse) like Jamie and Phillip, Joan’s Baby, or Casey at Bat. I would love it if I could at least show my family some of my stories.

This has caused me to cut down on my time I’ve spent on futanari forums, like Futanari Palace  and F3. Well, dealing with the management at FP is one issue.

So where does this leave us? Well, naturally, my writing production has cut down a lot. I’m still interested in my stories, but not as much in others stories. But my focus now is on the plot, the story of Terra, and not unnecessary gropefests. I’m not saying I’ll never write a futanari sex scene again, I just mean that I’m less inclined to do the gratuitous unnecessary sex scenes.

I guess, if you’re (still) reading you are probably left to wonder what is going to happen with my stories. Well to be honest I’ve decided to put my effort into making Terra a story that is interesting enough to survive without relying on sex all of the time. (Though I’m sure a great many could observe that sex is hardly there all of the time.) I will continue to write Terra, and most likely finish my other stories, in fact I have a chapter of Terra half finished. I need to focus my time more on it, I admit, but real life has become a pain. I’ll go into more detail about that later, but for now, I haven’t given up.

To Celeborn, I assure you I’m nowhere near dead, just mostly lurking. Thanks for reading and taking a moment to comment.

And if you were wondering what else is going on in my life, well, I’ve mostly been playing on my new 360. I spent a lot of time playing Fallout 3, love it, and some other games (GTA4, L4D, RE5, to name a few) to a lesser extent. I’ve been trying to get ahead in general in life, but I wanted to take a break and enjoy something I’ve wanted for a while. It just set me back a bit…

And that’s all I’ve got for now. Didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings, and I don’t want to do this as some attention whore being emo. I felt I owed it to anyone who takes the time to read my stuff to know what is going on.




Senshi said...

Do whatever you got to do, man. Remember that you aren't getting paid for any of this. This isn't your job. It's just a hobby. So whatever you do is up to you and no one can say any different. So if by some chance you wanted to quit it's your call and you shouldn't have any regrets or reservations.

I know I didn't read all of Terra, but I didn't see it as erotica anyway. Just a story with really hot sex in it. You know what some folks say: "If you can write the story without sex in the first place then it really doesn't need the sex." Or something along those lines... ^___^

In a lighter note, congrats on finally getting the 360. Fallout 3 is awesome isn't it? I'd recommend the Game of the Year Edition if you didn't get that one.

Celeborn said...

Hey, you're not dead! :)

I totally get getting bored with a specific theme, happens to me every now and then too.

I'm not super excited about futanari either to be perfectly honest, its more the writing style and story telling that draws me in. You can find a sex scene anywhere but its nothing without the characters and surroundings.

Maybe your boredom with futanari will lead to something exciting! I'm still waiting for that Devil in the Details bunny girl spin off for example ;)

Anonymous said...

I like terra a lot for the story, and more for the story than the sex as it went on. If you don't add a single sex scene in the story anymore it would be just fine! I just want the story to continue on. Or have you gotten bored of that too, since the thing is multi volume epic sci-fi series size now?

Anonymous said...

You're a pretty good writer; I hope you find some other medium of interest. Looking forward to the end of that catgirl story (if you ever get interested again).

Anonymous said...

I also hope chrysanthemum get's finished, even though you might be bored of it.

Theromen said...

Dunno if my e-mail ever got to ya so I'm posting this here just in case you peep in on the comments. It is an abridged form of my e-mail to ya.

I read the thingy in the blog about your not quitting and all of that. I was surprised to see it since I've been looking for ya to pop up on the forums somewhere...but then you never did.
After a while I wondered, was it something I said or did? Also, I haven't even touched that story idea, (Terra-X), I showed you a while back because I was hoping we could collaborate or it...but obviously that might prove problematic, especially with your shift in content concerns. I don't blame you though for wanting to be able to show folks your work and not have to be worried your stuff is going to be looked down on because it's porn, (and more specifically futa porn). Myself though I get around that issue by writing different stories apart from my futa work. In short my futa/porn stories do not comprise the entirety of my written works. But then I just like to write, and tell stories.

Honestly, your absence has been felt, maybe not by the multitudes on the forums,(I can't speak for them), but by me at least. You are one of the few people that I can bounce ideas off of, talk shop with and such. The Writers Corner just seems to stagnate. I find this both odd and depressing since I can't post all of the time.
Much like you I work all week and getting up at 5am and getting in the door at 3 or 4pm is a pretty long day. I spend most of my time off trying to fix up some of my old stories making corrections I missed, and writing a few
new ones. From time to time I get to play a video game or Role Play with some friends around the old coffee table. So on weekends when I get the chance to surf I've been wondering what happened to ya.

Clive Barker said, "In time all things seek some opposition to themselves in order to be saved from themselves."
"What the hell does that mean?" You may ask. And I'll tell you quite simply what it means my friend.
Everything becomes boring sooner or later. (Yes, I know, even futa porn) It's one of the pitfalls of writing or storytelling. It's a lot like life. There is still a lot that can be done with your writing skills if you decide to
exercise them whether it's on futa or not. My favorite past time when writing futa-porn is doing things that are
largely unexpected from the story context standpoint. Reinvent the genre every time you write. It helps. Personally,
I liked pretty much everything I've seen of yours on your web site or what you posted on the boards, and you'll have
readers I think no matter what you decide to post. I'm not sure I could say that myself.

I also realize real life comes first before some kind of fiction or any internet forum, but I hope to see ya up there and
more active some day soon. Don't forget bro. I just don't do porn or futa stories. My first love is the written word from the truly classical authors. I have a great love of the gothic tales of the romantic era, such as Mary Shelly's
Frankenstein, Sheridan LeFanu's Carmilla, The Green Tea, and Ghost Story, and similar works. I love the works of L.Sprague DeCamp, Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Tanith Lee as well as beloved science fiction writers Gene Roddenberry, Isaac Azimov, and a host of others. Heck I even read William Shatner's Star Trek novels! lol!
So even if you don't want to post on the boards don't feel like you can't keep in touch. I'm always willing to give something a read or a proof or even collaborate. I'm here for ya bro.

Though it's been quiet out there on the boards, I suppose everyone can wait until you're ready to come back, if you ever decide you want to. Just tossing ya a line to see how you're doin' and to let ya know I missed ya up there.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Theromen said...

Dunno if my e-mail ever got to ya so I'm posting this here just in case you peep in on the comments.

Also, I read the thingy in the blog about your not quitting and all of that. I was surprised to see it since I've been looking for ya to pop up on the forums somewhere...but then you never did.
After a while I wondered, was it something I said or did? Also, I haven't even touched that story idea,(Terra-X), I showed you a while back because I was hoping we could collaborate or it...but obviously that might prove problematic, especially with your shift in content concerns. I don't blame you though for wanting to be able to show folks your work and not have to be worried your stuff is going to be looked down on because it's porn, (and more specifically futa porn). Myself though I get around that issue by writing different stories apart from my futa work. In short my futa/porn stories do not comprise the entirety of my written works. But then I just like to write, and tell stories.

Honestly, your absence has been felt, maybe not by the multitudes on the forums,(I can't speak for them),but by me at least. The Writers Corner just seems to stagnate. I find this both odd and depressing since I can't post all of the time.
Much like you I work all week and getting up at 5am and getting in the door at 3 or 4pm is a pretty long day.
I spend most of my time off trying to fix up some of my old stories making corrections I missed, and writing a few new ones. From time to time I get to play a video game or Role Play with some friends around the old coffee
table. So on weekends when I get the chance to surf I've been wondering what happened to ya.

Clive Barker said, "In time all things seek some opposition to themselves in order to be saved from themselves."
"What the hell does that mean?" You may ask. And I'll tell you quite simply what it means my friend.
Everything becomes boring sooner or later. (Yes, I know, even futa porn) It's one of the pitfalls of writing or
storytelling. It's a lot like life. There is still alot that can be done with your writing skills if you decide to
exercise them whether it's on futa or not. My favorite past time when writing futa-porn is doing things that are largely unexpected from the story context standpoint. Reinvent the genre every time you write. It helps. Personally, I liked pretty much everything I've seen of yours on your web site or what you posted on the boards, and you'll have
readers I think no matter what you decide to post. I'm not sure I could say that myself.

I also realize real life comes first before some kind of fiction or any internet forum, but I hope to see ya up there and
more active some day soon. Don't forget bro. I just don't do porn or futa stories. My first love is the written word from the truly classical authors. I have a great love of the gothic tales of the romantic era, such as Mary Shelly's
Frankenstein, Sheridan LeFanu's Carmilla, The Green Tea, and Ghost Story, and similar works. I love the works of L.Sprague DeCamp, Robert E. Howard, H.P. Lovecraft, and Tanith Lee as well as beloved science fiction writers Gene Roddenberry, Isaac Azimov, and a host of others. Heck I even read William Shatner's Star Trek novels! lol!
So even if you don't want to post on the boards don't feel like you can't keep in touch. I'm always willing to give something a read or a proof or even collaborate. I'm here for ya bro.

Though it's been quiet out there on the boards, I suppose everyone can wait until you're ready to come back, if you ever decide you want to. Just tossing ya a line to see how you're doin' and to let ya know I missed ya up there.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Luifaré Cufpuk said...

I am sooo damn happy now! Due, scrap the sex, i don't care, but please continue the Terra stories! I have absolutely fallen in love with them, the writing, the plot, the characters! As a fellow writer, I can truly appreciate the great job you have done. Kudos to you, my friedn. Keep un the good work, and expanding your horizons is sometimes the greatest thing you can do. Try a variety of plots and scenerios; the world is always changning, so why can't your writing too, huh?

ameira_loire said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ameira_loire said...

You might try Shifti, the transformation wiki.


Anonymous said...

Too bad, no more Terra. It was pretty epic. Chrysanthemum was pretty good too. It's like linty, no more from her either.